Browse Collections (77 total)

Railroad Map Collection #8.003


A collection of Decatur railroad maps showing four different company lines through Decatur, IL. These four railroad companies are: Wabash Railroad,…

Contributors: unknown

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Historical videos from the collection at Decatur Public Library, Decatur, IL.

Contributors: various

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Industrial Safety Management Association Collection #3.012

This is the Industrial Safety Management Association Collection. The collection contains documents pertaining to the ISMA.

Contributors: Chamber of Commerce

View the items in Industrial Safety Management Association Collection #3.012

Macon County Citizens Opposing Capital Punishment Collection #3.011

This is the Macon County Citizens Opposing Capital Punishment Collection. The collection contains documents and photographs pertaining to the MCCOCP.

Contributors: Sr. JoAn Schullian

View the items in Macon County Citizens Opposing Capital Punishment Collection #3.011

Virgin Family Photo Collection #7.008

This is the Virgin Family Photo Collection. The collection contains photographs of the Virgin and Whitson families.

Contributors: Virgin family
Whitson family

View the items in Virgin Family Photo Collection #7.008

Sangamon Valley School District Collection #4.002

This is the Sangamon Valley School District Collection. The collection contains documents and record books from the Sangamon Valley School District…

Contributors: Niantic Community High School
Niantic-Harristown schools
rural schools

View the items in Sangamon Valley School District Collection #4.002

Snell Family Collection #5.008

This is the Snell Family Collection. The collection contains booklets from the Alexander Hamilton Institute, photographs, and cards.

Contributors: Snell Family

View the items in Snell Family Collection #5.008

The Heritage Network of Decatur & Macon County Collection #3.003

This is the Heritage Network of Decatur & Macon County Collection. The collection contains documents from the organization.

Contributors: Members of the Heritage Network

View the items in The Heritage Network of Decatur & Macon County Collection #3.003

Fisher Family Collection #5.009

This is the Fisher Family Collection. The collection contains documents and photographs from George, Lewis, and Henry Fisher. Lewis Fisher's firm…

Contributors: none

View the items in Fisher Family Collection #5.009

Charles F. Emery Papers #6.001

This is the Charles F. Emery Papers. This collection contains Civil War documents, records, correspondence, and ephemora from the 116th Illinois…

Contributors: none

View the items in Charles F. Emery Papers #6.001