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James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep1977, Vol. ll-1
Tags: Antiques for Young Moderns, Architectural and Historical Sites Commission Grant, Bell Pull, Bill Kneipp, Blackberry Jam Cake, Carriage House Classes, Chandelier, Clayton Henderson, Clinton Homestead, Decatur, Dessert Cookbook, Fall Festival, Freeman - Hughes House, Going Home Book, Governors Mansion, Grace Note, Grandma's Syrup Pie, Grant Researcher Needed, Haviland- Victorian China, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Jr. Welfare Cookbook, Larry Calhoun, Lois Harvey, Lower Hall Restoration, Mrs. E.L. Simmons, Mrs. Noonan, Municipal Band, Pleasant Hill Kentucky, Share a Little of Yourself, Victorian Christmas Party, Visions of Sugarplums, Volunteers Needed
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep 1976, Vol. l -2
Tags: Bargain Bazaar, Bell Pull Shop, Bishop Hill Bus Trip, Caretakers Dr. and Mrs. James Wild. Junior Welfare Cookbook, Carriage House Children's Activities, Carriage House Remodel, Chris Williams, Decatur, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Linda May, Membership, Mills and Harry, One Hundredth Anniversary Open House, Preservationist Dr. Paul E. Sprague, Remodel 1883, Remodel 1903, Two Great Homes Article, You Can Help
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Apr 1977, Vol. I - 4
Tags: A. Helen Harder, Anna B. Millikin, Annual Meeting, Bell Pull Shop, Bouquet of Homes, Carriage House Arts and Science Classes, Decatur, Dining Room Doors, Fall Festival, Gale Benner, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Jerry Jackson, Larry Calhoun, Marge Evans, Millikin Furniture Restored, Monte Hall, Mrs. John Kalapis, New Harmony Bus Trip, Patroness Workshop, Phil and Mary Polite, President's Letter, Saturday Drop-ins, Shutters, Twentieth Anniversary of the Arts Class, Valerie Grohne, Ways and Means Committee
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul1976, Vol I - 1
Tags: 1976 Christmas Card, Androcles and the Lion, Annual Meeting, Antiques and Collectables Auction, Barbara Hostetler, Bell Pull Shop, Caretakers Apartment, Carnival, Charles Schroll, Children's Arts and Sciences Activities, Corporation Founded, Corporation Meeting, David Jack, Decatur, Delores Simon, Drama for Children, Ellen Sheffer, Fall Festival, First Board Meeting, Historian William Simon, IL, James B. Schoaff, James Millikin Homestead, Jeanine Schaub, Junior Welfare, Kayhs Construction, landscaping, Linda May, Logo, Loren Weaver Snow Scene, Margaret Graves, Marianna Williams, Marie Bennett, Marilyn Madden, Mary Mittleberg, membership list, Mrs. C.W. Hicks, Mrs. Clarence Glenn, Mrs. John F. May, Mrs. Walter Morey, Municipal Band, Nancy Hanks, Restoration of Parlors, Roger Miller, Second Board Meeting, Valerie Grohne