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James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep 2010, Vol. XXXV-1
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep 2010, Vol. XXXV-1
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep 2010, Vol. XXXV-1
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep 2014, Vol XXXIX-3
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep 2019, Vol. XLIV-3
Tags: board of directors, Decatur, Fall Family Weekend, Flagpole, Greater Decatur Youth Band, HVAC upgrade, ill, James MH, Lawn Party, Millikin Homecoming, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Open House, President's letter. Bill Millikin Visit, Summer Strings, Taste of History, Thomas Melvin, Ullrich Foundation Grant, Walter Burley Griffin Society
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep 2023, Vol. XLIX
Tags: board of directors, Call for Bakers, Decatur, Facebook Bar Code, Front Steps repaired by Otto Baum, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Mission Statement., MU's Annual Student Involvement Fair, President Hilyer's Message, Taste of History Oct 7, Up coming events, Victorian Era Dining Etiquette, Visiting Artist Thomas Melvin
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep1977, Vol. ll-1
Tags: Antiques for Young Moderns, Architectural and Historical Sites Commission Grant, Bell Pull, Bill Kneipp, Blackberry Jam Cake, Carriage House Classes, Chandelier, Clayton Henderson, Clinton Homestead, Decatur, Dessert Cookbook, Fall Festival, Freeman - Hughes House, Going Home Book, Governors Mansion, Grace Note, Grandma's Syrup Pie, Grant Researcher Needed, Haviland- Victorian China, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Jr. Welfare Cookbook, Larry Calhoun, Lois Harvey, Lower Hall Restoration, Mrs. E.L. Simmons, Mrs. Noonan, Municipal Band, Pleasant Hill Kentucky, Share a Little of Yourself, Victorian Christmas Party, Visions of Sugarplums, Volunteers Needed
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep1979, Vol. IV - 1
Tags: A.G Webbers, Annual Meeting, Catering Committee, Decatur, Decatur Art Class, Decatur Historical and Architectural Committee Plaque, Furnishing Contributions, Harvest at the Homestead, Historical and Architectural Sites Commission Grant, Il., James Millikin Homestead, JMH Officers and Committees, Kitchen Remodel, membership list, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin at Home, MU Fall Family Weekend, Music Box, Needle Point Competition, The Life and Times of James Millikin, Ties Needed, Victorian Christmas Open House, Victorian Christmas Party
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Sep1984, Vol. Vll-4 or Vlll-l
Tags: 1895 Portrait of Anna Millikin, Christmas Boutique Plans, Decatur, Gazette Articles Accepted, Homestead Board Who's Who, Homestead Rentals, Homestead Wish List, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Membership, Membership form, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Mr. Millikin's Desk and Typewriter, New Sign, Restoration of Library and Bathroom, Scavenger Hunt Yields Surprising Millikin Finds, Victorian Brunch