Browse Items (8552 total)

Decatur Public Library Bills

Decatur Public Library Bills to be approved for the Period Ending February 23, 1968.

Board of Directors Meeting December 1986

This is the agenda and minutes of the Board of Directors meeting in December 1986. At this meeting the board discussed committee reports, city librarian's report, evaluations, endowments, Chapter 4, Central Baptist Association, Vision 1996, circ…

Construction Grant Agreement Resolution - March 17, 1972

This is the resolution to acknowledge the work accomplished through the Construction Grant Agreement on the renovation of the North St. Building into the new main library building.

Monthly Circulation Statistics January 2000

Decatur Public Library Circulation Statistics for January 2000 and 12 Months Circulation for 1999.

Board of Directors Meeting on January 20, 1983

This is the agenda and minutes from the Board of Directors meeting on January 20, 1983. At this meeting the Board discussed committee meetings pertaining to staff changes, public posting of meetings, circ statistics, draft of 83/84 budget, monthly…