Browse Items (1940 total)

  • Tags: Decatur IL.

Photos of Crane Potato Chips Advertisements

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Photographs of Crane Potato Chips Advertisements on in Local History.

Photo of Zip Florist Building Front

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Photograph of Zip Florist Building, 850 E. Wood St., Decatur, IL. Jerry's Tap is on the left side and Arthur's Furniture is on the right.

Photos Young's Meat Packing Plant

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Photograph of Young's Meat Packing Plant with butchers and meat hanging. Photograph of Al Young and sons. "More information in the Sunday, Apr. 26, 1970 Herald and Review."

Photos of People Performing on WSOY Radio Station

Photograph of a group of people around a piano. Photographs of a male performer holding up a record, standing at a microphone.

Photo of Men Installing WSOY Call Letters on Building and Interior

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Photograph of three men installing WSOY call letters to front of building located at 353 N. Main St., Decatur, IL. Photograph of radio station control room.

Aerial Views of WSOY Radio Station

Photographs of WSOY Radio Station construction, aerial and ground level views, Pershing Road, Decatur, IL.