Browse Items (8422 total)

Photo of Lt. G. R. Wilhelm in flight uniform with name tag
Herald and Review Library: Wilhelm, Lt. G. R., Article on back of photo; "Lieut. G. R. Wilhelm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilhelm, will graduate next week from the advanced army air training school at Blackland Field, Tex. he is one of four sons of Mr.…

Photo of Lt. Fred Gilman in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Gilman, Lt. Fred; Article on back of photo; Lieut.(j.g.) Fred Gilman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Gilman, 414 South Monroe street, left recently for San Francisco to report for duty on a heavy cruiser after spending a…

Photo of Lt. Frank Staley in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Staley, Lt. Frank; Article on back of photo; "Lieut. Frank Staley, son of Mrs. J. F. Staley, 1244 North Main street, is a special service officer in the army. he is taking special work at Washington and Lee university,…

Photo of Lt. Floyd N. Hass in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Hass, Lt. Floyd N.; Article on back of photo; First Lt. Floyd N. Hass, 28, whose wife is Peggy Adams Hass of the WACS, was killed in action over Belgium on Jan 22, according to word from the War department received by his…

Photo of Lt. Enid Schaub in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Schaub, Lt. Enid; Article on back of photo; "Things are different here in the States, Second Lieut Enid Schaub found recently upon her return to Decatur after serving six months with the army medical staff at the army…

Photo of Lt. Elmer H. Morenz in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Morenz, Lt. Elmer H., Article on back of photo; Second Lieut. Elmer H. Morenz, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Morenz of 1330 East Leafland avenue, received his commission in the air corps Saturday at the Quartermasters School at…

Photo of Lt. Dwight York in suit and tie
Herald and Review Library: York, Lt. Dwight; Article on back of photo; "Dwight York in Hollywood, Fla., early next week. Mr. York has been commissioned a lieutenant senior grade in the navy and was inducted on Pearl Harbor day in St. Louis. After…

Photo of Lt. Dwight Specht in uniform with name, unit, and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Specht, Lt. Dwight; Article on back of photo; "Lt. Dwight Specht; Dwight O. Specht, son of Peter O. Specht, 712 West Packard street, recently completed bombardier-navigator training at the army air field at San Angelo,…

Photo of Lt. Donald A. Amundson receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross from Brig. Gen. Robert D. Knapp
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Amundson, Lt. Donald A., 6/26/1945, with Brig. Gen. R. D. Knapp. Article on back of photo: "First Lt. Donald A. Amundson, for extraordinary achievement in aerial flight, was decorated with the Distinguished Flying…

Photo of Lt. Donald A. Amundson next to plane in flight suit.
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Amundson, Donald a., 3/21/1944 unused. Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Amundson. No. 6 Central Drive, Decatur, IL.