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Photos of U. S. Officers Hear Small War Plant Needs.

Photographs of U. S. Officers Hear Small War Plant Needs. Seated L-R Maj. Grandville Gray, Jr., War dept. Chemical warfare service, and Maj. Irving Salmon, War Dept. Washington, D. C. Standing L-R Lt. Richard Morey, Lt. William Laverty, Lt. C. T.…

Photos Oakes Products Division Achievement Awards.

Photograph of a Group of Military and Civilians holding the Army/Navy E. Flag. Photograph of two men attending the awards ceremony. Photograph of man speaking to a group of people. Photograph of a group of people at the award ceremony.

Photos of Awards Ceremony Houdaille-Hershey and Interior with Men Working.

BS1636-JohnK.MacLennanOakesDivisionPlant (32).jpg
Photographs of people attending the awards ceremony at Houdaille-Hershey and photograph of men working.

Photos of Equipment Made by Caterpillar.

Photograph of a bulldozer made by Caterpillar. Photo of a grader being built at Caterpillar. Photo of a Jeep during WWII that was winterized by Cpl. Lloyd Webb who had been employed by Caterpillar Military Engine Company before the war.