Browse Items (8623 total)

Photo of Lyle C. Smith in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Smith, Lyle C.; Article on back of photo; "Lyle C. Smith, fireman third class, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd B. Smith, 1958 East Main street, recently spent a furlough here with his parents as he was enroute from Farragut,…

Photo of Luster Ford

BS1822-Ford Garage 1930s-010.jpg
Photograph of Earl Luster Ford New and Used Cars located at 385 E. Prairie St., Decatur, IL.

Photo of Lualvin Martindale in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Martindale, Lualvin; Article on back of photo; "Martindale Moved, Laulvin Martindale, naval storekeeper third class, husband of Mrs. Margaret Martindale, 320 West Garfield avenue has been transferred from Davisville, R.…

Photo of Lt. Wilmer Lamar in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Lamar, Lieut. Wilmer, Article on back of photo; "The Germans have the same advantages in Italy as they had in North Africa except that the Allies now have actual combat experience that they lacked before, says Lieut.…

Photo of Lt. William T. Doyle, Jr. in Navy uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Doyle, Lt. W. T., Jr., 5/25/1939. Submarine Squalus Crew. Lt. W. T. Doyle survived the sinking of the Squalus. Complete story of the "Sinking of the Squalus" published in the Decatur Daily Review, June 20, 1939."

Photo of Lt. William J. Dutour in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Dutour, Lt. William J., 7/5/1944. Official photo U.S. AAF by AAF Training Command. Article on back of photo: "Lt. William J. Dutour, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Dutour, received his pilot's wings Lubbock army air…

Photo of Lt. William H. Thornton with headset and parachute and name tag
Herald and Review Library: Thornton, Lt. William H.; Article on back of photo; "Lieut. William H. Thornton, Jr., 1220 West Main Street, Taylorville, came from Moore Field to Randolph field for his gold bar and silver wings."

Photo of Lt. William A. Lukey in uniform with name and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Lukey, Lt. William A., Article on back of photo; "Lukey Bomber Pilot, William A. Lukey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lukey, 444 West Grand avenue, came home Tuesday to spend a 15-day furlough after graduating from bomber…

Photo of Lt. Walter H. Schultz in uniform with name and serial number
Herald and Review Library: Schultz, Lt. Walter H., Article on back of photo; "Lt. Walter H. Schultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Paul Schultz, rural route 6, Decatur, has graduated as a navigator and received his rating as lieutenant at the Ellington…

Photo of Lt. W. W. Sellers in uniform standing in front of a tree
Herald and Review Library: Seller, Lt. W. W.; Article on back of photo; "Lt. W. W. Sellers, whose wife, the former Doris Gandy, son and mother live at 1499 West forest avenue, has served as assistant gunnery officer on the U.S.S. Breese, a…