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James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul. 1986, Vol. X-4 or XI-1
Tags: Bookings, Christmas is Coming, Decatur, Great White Way 1850, IL, Illinois State Historical Society Visit, James Millikin Homestead, Membership form., Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Murphy's Law and Volunteering, New Board Member trepidations, New History Stories, New Slate Roof, Victorian High Tee
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul1976, Vol I - 1
Tags: 1976 Christmas Card, Androcles and the Lion, Annual Meeting, Antiques and Collectables Auction, Barbara Hostetler, Bell Pull Shop, Caretakers Apartment, Carnival, Charles Schroll, Children's Arts and Sciences Activities, Corporation Founded, Corporation Meeting, David Jack, Decatur, Delores Simon, Drama for Children, Ellen Sheffer, Fall Festival, First Board Meeting, Historian William Simon, IL, James B. Schoaff, James Millikin Homestead, Jeanine Schaub, Junior Welfare, Kayhs Construction, landscaping, Linda May, Logo, Loren Weaver Snow Scene, Margaret Graves, Marianna Williams, Marie Bennett, Marilyn Madden, Mary Mittleberg, membership list, Mrs. C.W. Hicks, Mrs. Clarence Glenn, Mrs. John F. May, Mrs. Walter Morey, Municipal Band, Nancy Hanks, Restoration of Parlors, Roger Miller, Second Board Meeting, Valerie Grohne
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul1988, Vol Xll-3 or Xlll-1
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul1988, Vol.XXlV - 1
Tags: 1999-2000 Board of Directors/Membership Information, Ann Seidman - Victorian Doll Cottage (photo), Bill McGaughey - Holly Hock Dolls (photo), Brittany Maxedon Drawing, Decatur, Dr. George S. Machan - Artist, Ethel Machan, Fifth Victorian Doll Tea (photos), Heather Hackel -Door Prize (photo) A Note From Your President, History: On With the Machan-Millikin Story, IL, Isabella Dunning Thompson - 1st MU faculty, James Millikin Homestead, Machan Family Home Drawing, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days (photos), Pat Clements - Barn Colony Artist
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul1989, Vol Xlll - 2 or XlV - 1
Tags: A Note From Your President, Captain William Bartlett, Decatur, Garden Club of Decatur, George Washington Letter, Hettie Bartlett Aston, Historic Illinois Magazine - Dec. 1988, Homestead Garden Photo, Illinois, James Millikin Homestead, Joanna (Herrick) Bartlett, Mahogany Table Donation, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, New Note Cards, Who Does What at the Homestead - 1989
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul1990, Vol XlV-2 or XV-1
Tags: "New" Piano, A Note From Your President, Decatur, Dr. George Machan, Garden Club, Greenview Nursery, IL, Illinois Preservation Council Conference, Isabella Machan- MU Faculty, James Millikin Homestead, Landscape Plans, Mary Lou Malone, Membership Information, membership list, Novelties for August - Little Boy's Suit and Infant Cap, Oil of Brown Paper for Burns, The Modern Domestic Cookery and Useful Receipt Book, Water for Thickening the Hair
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul2000, Vol XXV-1
Tags: 1999-2000 Board of Directors, Bill McGaughey - Groundskeeper, Decatur, From Cobwebs to the World Wide Web, Heritage and Holly, IL, In Memoriam - Julie Loofburrow, James Millikin Homestead, Julieanne Jesberg Donation - Victorian Sofa, Membership Information, Millikin Students (photo), Mission Statement, NWRAPS, Open House a Success, Stationary
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul2002, Vol. XXVll-1
Tags: 2001-2002 Board of Directors, A Note From Your President, Arthur Ploeger Award to Anne Pondelick, Decatur, Decatur Park Singers, English Jumble Sale, Historical and Architectural Sites Commission, Homestead Rentals Reopen, IL, Jacqueline Newman, James Millikin Homestead, Kayla Heise, Looking Up - Check it Out (tower photo), Lucien Kapp, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days (photo), The Millikin's Lawn Gatherings, Tory Carara, Welcome to the Homestead Open House
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul2003, Vol. XXVlll-1
Tags: 2003 JMH Jumble and Antique Sale (photo), 2003-2004 Board of Directors, 7th Victorian Doll Tea (photos) Leave a Legacy, A Note From Your President, Christmas Tea and Boutique, Decatur, Homestead Rentals, IL, James Millikin Homestead, James Millikin's Scrapbook, Jason Butterick - MU Historian and Archivist Associate, Membership Information, Mission Statement, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, Open House, There are Sleuths Among Us
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Jul2004, Vol. XXlX-1
Tags: "Waste and Want: A Social History of Trash, 2004-2005 Board of Directors, A Note From Your President, Decatur, Docents Needed, Floral Garden Photo, Homestead Rentals,, IL, It's Almost Jumble Time, James Millikin Homestead, JMH Jumble and Antique Sale, Kelsey Weidenkeller letter, Leave a Legacy, Membership form, Membership Thanks, Mission Statement, Mr. and Mrs. Millikin Days, One Man's Trash - Archaeological Dig, Victorian Christmas Tea and Boutique