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James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov1993, Vol XVl-6 or XVllI-2
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov1994, Vol XIX-2
Tags: 1993-94 Treasurer's Report., Albert Taylor's notes about the Millikins, Arthur Ploeger Award, Decatur, Exterior Painting Program, Flourine Scott White and Martha Montgomery Honored, Homestead seeks Millikin University Yearbooks, Il., James Millikin Homestead, President Potter's Note, Victorian Christmas Tea
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov1995, Vol XX-2
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov1998, Vol. Xlll-2
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov1999, Vol XXIV - 2
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov2000, Vol XXV-2
Tags: 1999-2000 Board of Directors, 2000-2001 Membership List, 2000-2001 Membership ListJames Millikin Homestead, A Note From Your President, Decatur, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Marilyn Loofburrow Memorial Fund, Oriental Rug Seminar, Rentals Suspended, Scheduling (Homestead photo), Victorian Christmas Party, Visitors - From the Atlantic to the Pacific and Beyond
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov2001, Vol XXVl - 4
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov2002, Vol. XXVll-2
Tags: 2002-2003 Board of Directors, A Note From Your President, Decatur, Grounds - A Look at the Flowers, Homestead Rentals Reopen, IL, James Millikin Homestead, James Millikin Homestead Membership List, Jumble Sale (photos), Leave a Legacy Program, Memorial - Mary Lou Malone, Mrs. Millikin's Edibles and Delectables, Open Houses, Victorian Christmas Party, Which Chimney Did Santa Choose?
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov2003, Vol XXVlll-2
Tags: A Note From Your President, A Special Thanks to Docents, Baldwin House, C.O. Young House, Carriage House and Horses, Decatur, Dr. Will Barnes House, Griswold House, Homestead Rentals, IL, James Millikin Homestead, JM Homestead Membership, Jumble Sale (photo), Leave a Legacy, Let's Hitch a Ride with Mr. Millikin, Linn House, Morehouse and Wells Hardware, Oriel Window Restoration (photo), party, Victorian Christmas
James Millikin Homestead Gazette
Nov2005, Vol. XXX-2
Tags: A Needlepoint Rose .. Christmas Decorations, A Note From Your President, A Surprise Tour - Pierce Arrow Society, Awareness Committee Formed, Christmas Boutique, Decatur, Homestead Rentals, If You Own a Satin Pear, IL, James Millikin Homestead, MacArthur Honor Society Students, Open House, Our English Jumble Sale was Successful, The Looking for Lincoln Project, Victorian Christmas Party Invitation