Browse Items (8629 total)
January 2010 - All Committee Meetings - Agendas, Minutes, Reports, and Correspondence
Tags: agendas, Annex issues, Bills, board of directors, by-laws letter, check register, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Dove recycling, evaluation in close session, Finance and Properties, friends, Interlibrary Loan Policy, Leave a Legacy, LeeAnn Fisher, Meeting, Minutes, personnel policy and public relations, reports, RPLS, Serving Our Public study, YTD budget report
January Board of Directors Meeting 2001
Tags: 2001 budget, Agenda, bills and payroll, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Bookmobiles, Carolyn DeLoach, Censorship Watch, Children's Department, circ stats, Circulation Department, Colorado bookmobile, contractors application for payment, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December minutes, display cases, Dist #61 6 point funding plan, DRA, Expenditures, Finance and Properties, friends, Illinois First Grant, interim city librarian's report, interlibrary loan fee, January 2001, Karen Anderson, leasing of parking spaces, library closure policy, Long Range Planning, Margaret Meyer Trust, Meeting, meeting room policy, Millikin Trust Fund, minor registration cards, Minutes, personnel policy and public relations, reports, Revenue, RPLS, search committee, staff training and workshops, Standards for Illinois Public Libraries, Statistical Report