Browse Items (8646 total)
League of Women Voter - Board Minutes - March 1949
Tags: Action committee, activities, Annual Meeting, board meeting, budget committee, bulletin, Con-Con, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Economic Committee, Education committee, Finance Committee, Fiscal budget, Foreign Relations committee, Government in Action, League of Women Voters, local projects, March 1949, Membership committee, Minutes, National by-laws, nominating committee, Program chairmen, Program Committee, proposed budget, Publicity committee, slate of officers, state convention, state president, treasurer's report, UN committee
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - April 1979
Tags: Agenda, announcements, Annual Meeting, Betty Jacobsen secretary, board meeting, Child abuse act, Finance Drive, Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors Home, Karen Jensen president, League of Women Voters, Minutes, oil recycling, poll watchers, Program Budget, Program Record, reports, school fees waiver, treasurer's report, urban crisis
League of Women Voters - Projects - Human Resources - 1962-1969
Tags: 1962-1969, Consensus Report Questions, correspondence, Federal Programs in Effect Poverty, Guidelines for Fair Housing, Human Resources, League of Women Voters, Legislation and Human Relations Commissions, Local Open Occupancy, Population Characteristics, Program Equality of Opportunity in Employment and Education, projects, Statement to City Council, Survey of Provisions for Equality in Employment and Education
League of Women Voters - Annual Meeting - May 1966
League of Women Voters - Projects - Handgun Control - 1975
League of Women Voters - Ad Hoc School Concerns Committee - June 1993
Tags: ad hoc committee, Administration Cost, Committee Findings, Committee Members, Communications, District's Financial Concerns, District's Financial Cuts, District's Financial Status, League of Women Voters, Local Revenue, Lottery Money, Questions and Answers, School Concerns, Statements, Tax Information, tax referendum, Teachers' Salaries
League of Women Voters - annual and monthly board meetings - March 1957
Tags: Annual Meeting, board meeting, Board Members, by laws report, committee chairs, Decatur Club, Finance Report, Gibson president, Herald and Review, League of Women Votes, minutes (unreadable for the March board meeting), new president Gibson, new secretary Cresswell, proposed current agenda, School Board, state convention, treasurers' report, unit meetings, Woyna secretary
League of Women Voters - Annual and Monthly Meetings - April 1958
Tags: Annual Meeting, board meeting, budget, Continued Responsibility, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Mrs. Cresswell secretary, Mrs. H. W. Gibson retiring president, Mrs. L. L. Colvis new president, Public School Finance, Reciprocal Trade, SJR 47, slate of officers, Summer Coffee, Training meeting, treasure's report, Water committee
League of Women Voters - Annual Budget - May 1994
League of Women Voters - Annual Meeting - April 1976
Tags: 1975-1976 program and actions, Annual Meeting, Barb Brown president, Beth Oldweiler secretary, by-law changes, Decatur Public Schools, dues increase, environmental quality, League of Women Voters, league officers, Minutes, nomination committee, proposed budget 1976-1977, publication account report, year end treasurer's report