Browse Items (2 total) Tags: Homestead Membership. Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Sort by: Title Creator Date Added James Millikin Homestead Gazette Feb 2023, Vol. XLVIII-1 This is a collection of materials from the James Millikin Homestead. Tags: board of directors, Christmas Open House, Decatur, Donation Letters, From The President Hillyer's Desk, Homestead Membership., IL, JMH Gazette, Kroger Partnership, Nativity Event, Poetry at the Homestead, Sweet Treats Bakery, Upcoming Events James Millikin Homestead Gazette Nov 1981, Vol VI-2 This is a collection of materials from the James Millikin Homestead Tags: Amenities, brochures, Cross Stitch/Needlepoint Awards, Decatur, Gazette, Homestead Membership., Homestead use, IL, James Millikin Homestead, Job Opportunities, Junior Welfare Appreciation Tea, McKay/Gilbert Marriage, Mrs. Millikin Trunk, Santa's List, Successful Harvest, The Bell Pull, Victorian Christmas Party, Victorian Fashion Show