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- Tags: Organization list
League of Women Voters - Projects - Urban Renewal - Greenwood Project - 1965
Tags: 1965, Advisory committee and sub committee, Annual sessions for consensus, Board of appeals, Chronology of Events, Classification of Dwellings and buildings, correspondence, Cost of Renewal Project, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Definitions, Duty of building inspector, Effective dates, Federal legislation, Further powers, General Sanitary facilities, Greenwood subdivision map, Heat and Electricity, History of Greenwood, Invalidity, League of Women Voters, Light and ventilation, Maps, Minimum space requirements, Miscellaneous provisions, newspaper articles, Ordinance 3556, Organization list, Penalty Notices, Powers of building inspector, Program dates, projects, Redevelopment, Relocation, Report to League of Women Voters, responsibilities of owner and occupant, Rick Meyer, Safety Ventilation and light, Service and complaints, Slum Clearance and urban renewal, Spot clearance program, Structural conditions, Sub committee for redevelopment, Summary of committee, Urban Renewal Greenwood Project, Voters Program, Workshop Fact Sheet