Photo of Pfc. Edgar E. Nicholls in uniform sitting a a desk

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Photo of Pfc. Edgar E. Nicholls in uniform sitting a a desk


World War II
Decatur, IL.


Herald and Review Library: Nicholls, Pfc. Edgar E., Article on back of photo; "Hero Has Four Fingers Left, Nicholls not Worrying About the Other Six; It's something like getting acquainted with a new friend, but Pfc. Edgar E. Nicholls of Decatur is rapidly becoming familiar with the artificial device that he uses as a substitute for the four fingers on his right hand, which were blown away in his heroic action on Luzon Island which saved the lives of two other soldiers. Edgar, who is now home for a visit with his mother, Mrs. W. G. Cropper, 309 West Prairie avenue, will return late this month to a Springfield, Mo., hospital for further treatment of his left hand. He lost the thumb and one finger of his left hand in the same action. Adept With Substitute; To one meeting Private Nicholls, the thought comes that he is greatly handicapped, which he is, without question. But, as conversation continues with him, one is amazed at his adept use of the artificial aid. He writes easily with a pencil or pen, deftly draqws papers from his billfold, and handles small coins or other contents of his pockets with little difficulty. Facetiously, he remarks that he has about come to the conclusion that the four fingers he used to have on his hand were just in the way.' The story of Edgar's heroism has been told previously, but may well be recalled at any time that unselfish bravery of members of the armed forces is discussed. Edgar was on guard, near a howitzer, on a steep bank in a flank position. His two buddies, sleeping nearby, were guard reliefs. Saved Buddies' Lives; The Japs managed to get near and hurled a demolition at the gun, according to a report of Edgar's field artillery battery commander. The demolition fell between the sleeping men and the gun. Edgar had a possible chance of escape without injury at the cost of the lives of his two buddies and probable destruction of the gun, which was vitally needed. Instead, he placed his helmet over the demolition and was attempting to place a full sandbag over it when the demolition exploded, mangling both of his hands. He was awarded the Silver Star Medal for 'extraordinary gallantry in action.' His other decorations include the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, Good Conduct Medal and the South Pacific and Philippine invasion ribbons. During his period of hospitalization, he is writing a book, based upon his experiences in the war. Also, he is interested in radio script writing and has produced scripts which have been used over station KWTO in Springfield, Mo. He expects to receive his release about the first of the year and faces the future with admirable confidence."


Herald and Review


Decatur, IL.


Decatur Public Library, Decatur, IL.




Decatur Herald and Review


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600 dpi








World War II

Still Image Item Type Metadata

Original Format


Physical Dimensions

8 x 11.5"



Herald and Review, “Photo of Pfc. Edgar E. Nicholls in uniform sitting a a desk,” Decatur Public Library Local History Photo Collection, accessed March 14, 2025,