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Rolling Prairie Library System Circulation Statistics December 1964
Decatur Public Library Circulation Statistics May, June, July, August, September 1965
Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees Budget and Bills May through September 1965
Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees Payroll 1964 through September 1965
Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees Vendors' Lists, Bills, and Expenditures for 1964 - 1965
Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees Financial Expenditures, Disbursements, and Reimbursements 1964-1965
Request for Consideration of Buying Material and Request for Reconsideration of Material
City Librarian's Report - October 1995
Tags: 1995, Adult Division, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile trailer, budget, children's division, circulation division, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Extension Division, family literacy grant, GEAC LIB 100+, John Moorman, October 1995, roof, Summer Reading Program
Photos of Bookmobile Staff and George Roberts 50th Birthday.
Circulation Reports - February, March, and January - 2012
Tags: 2012, Adult Division, allocation description, annual budget allocation, audio visual, AV grant, available balance, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Books, Cantoni, children's division, circulation reports, code, currently encumbered, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, endowment funds, February, Franklel, January, LeeAnn Fisher, March, Meyer, Nims, percent spent, percent spent and encumbered, Rotary, unexpected balance, Whinney, YTD spending