Browse Items (8623 total)
Edna Glasthrop - Millikin University Sophomore
M.U. Gallup - Millikin University Music Faculty
Elizabeth Galloway
Ziter Gallivan - Ivesdale Graduation Class
Mabel Gaddis
Science Kid - December 2010
Circulation Statistics - December 2010
Tags: Adult Division, annual budget, audio visual, available budget, Books, children's division, circulation statistics, current month spending, currently encumbered, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December 2010, description, endowment funds, percent spent, percent spent plus encumbered, Periodicals, unexpended balance, YTD spending
Bills - December 2010
Regular Meeting Schedule - 2010-2011 - Finance and Properties
Board of Directors - April 2010 - meetings, minutes, reports
Tags: AFSCME proposal, agendas, Annex, April 2010, Baby Talk proposal and lease, board of directors, budget, budget cuts, Budget Report, C3, cash flow, check register, City Librarian's Report, close session, closing of extension division, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Education Coalition of Macon County, finance and property, fines and building fees, Foundation, Freedom of Information request, friends, HVAC proposal, Illinois department of commerce and economic opportunity, intergovernmental agreement, LeeAnn Fisher, Lincoln casket display, Meeting, Minutes, negotiations, notice of federal interest, personnel policy and public relations, PNG, policy revision, reports, RPLS, Serving Our Public study, staff changes and reductions, State of Illinois payments, Summer Reading Program, tax receipts, TRANE Energy Performance Contracting Review