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Financial Report - May 1, 1975-January 31, 1976
This is the financial report for May 1, 1975-January 31, 1976.
Financial Report - May 1-July 31, 1975
This is the financial report for May 1-July 31, 1975.
Financial Report - May 1-November 30, 1975
This is the financial report for May 1-November 30, 1975.
Financial Report - May 1-October 31, 1975
This is the financial report for May 1-October 31, 1975.
Financial Report - May 1-September 30, 1975
This is the financial report for May 1-September 30, 1975.
Financial Report - May 1-31, 1975
This is the financial report for May 1-31, 1975.
Financial Report - May 1-June 30, 1975
This is the financial report for May 1-June 30, 1975.
Explanation of Major Increases or Decreases in Requests - February 19, 1975
This is an explanation of the major increases and decreases in funding requests.
Proposed Budget Letter for Fiscal 1975/1976 - February 25, 1975
This is the letter that accompanied the proposed budget for 1975/1976 to the Mayor and City Council. In the letter, the Board asks for a 10% increase to the levy.
Supplementary Detail on Personal Services Request - January 10, 1975
This is the supplementary detail on personal services request spreadsheet for fiscal 1975/1976.