Browse Items (8629 total)
Warren Corley - In Uniform
Rose Corbin - Beta Gamma Kappa
J.A. Corbett
Minerva Cooper - Stonington, IL
James A. Cooper - Navy Uniform
J.H. Coonradt
Mrs. E.J. Cook - Baby
Lottie Cook
Finance Report - Revenue Expense Summary - March, December, February, and January 2012
Tags: available budget, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, December, encumbered, February, Finance and Properties, Finance Report, January 2012, LeeAnn Fisher, library funds, March, MTD actual, original appropriations, percent used, revenue expense summary, revised budget, YTD actual
Circulation Reports - February, March, and January - 2012
Tags: 2012, Adult Division, allocation description, annual budget allocation, audio visual, AV grant, available balance, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Books, Cantoni, children's division, circulation reports, code, currently encumbered, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, endowment funds, February, Franklel, January, LeeAnn Fisher, March, Meyer, Nims, percent spent, percent spent and encumbered, Rotary, unexpected balance, Whinney, YTD spending