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Laura Landers - Millikin University Freshman
Laura Weilepp - Millikin University Freshman, Alpha Chi Omega
Laurence Sanders
Laying in the Grass in Fowler, CO
League of Women Voters - January and February 1954 - board meeting
Tags: by-laws, Committee Reports, convention reports, Council of Social Justice, Crusade for Freedom Program, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Evelyn MacKay secretary, Finance Drive, home rule study, League of Women Voters, league platform, Listen Ladies Radio Program, local agendas, membership study, Minutes, Mrs. John Donovan president, National, nominating committee, proposed budget, proposed slate of officers, treasurer's report, unit meetings, welfare in Macon County
League of Women - monthly board meeting - December 1956
League of Women - November 1951 - Board Meeting
Tags: board meeting, Christian Science Monitor, city manager, civil liberties chairman, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, discussion groups, economic chairman, Elizabeth Lupton, International Relations chairman, Judge Martin S. Morthland, League of Women Voters, local projects, membership chairman, Minutes, Mrs. Birt, primer for jurors, service chairman, treasurer's report
League of Women Voter - Board Meeting - January 1967
Tags: Agenda, Annual Meeting, board meeting, by-laws committee and changes, China-US, consensus for state office, consensus water resources report, Decatur Public Schools, equal housing committee, League of Women Voters, Local program selection, Membership, Minutes, monthly budget summary report, Mrs. Harold Tenney vice president, nominating committee, Pauline Jurgens secretary pro-temp, Program, proposed budget for 1967-1968, Public Relations, Self Start, treasurer's report, unit meetings, Voters' Services