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  • Tags: Signal Corps

Photo of Sgt. Kenneth DeFrees being rewarded the Certificate of Merit by Col. Harry G. Miller
WWII - Herald and Review Library; DeFrees, Sgt. Kenneth, 9/22/1945 unused. "ETO HQ 45 60588 28 Aug. credit U.S. Army Signal Corps., Photographer Pfc. Murakami 3908. Col Harry G. Miller, Deputy Chief Signal Office in the ETO, congratulates T/Sgt.…

Photo of Staff Sgt. Foustine F. Endrizzi receiving the Bronze Star Medal from Maj. Gen. David Barr in Heidelberg, Germany
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Endrizzi, Sgt. Foustine F., 7/20/1945. Passed for Publication stamp. Caption about photo used in article (article glued over caption). Article on back of photo: "Staff Sgt. Foustine F. Endrizzi of 337 East Lincoln…

Photo of William A. Hammer in uniform smoking pipe
Herald and Review Library; Hammer, Wm. A. in uniform. Article on back of photo; "William A. Hammer of 1529 West Wood street, is stationed at Fort Monmouth, Red Bank, N. J. A member of company C, 4th Battalion, a Signal Corps unit, he is in camp 40…

Photo of St. Lawrence C. Stahl in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Stahl, Lt. Lawrence C.; Article on back of photo; "Lieut. Lawrence C. Stahl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur D. Stahl, Niantic, recently returned to Fort Monmouth, N.J., after spending a 10-day furlough with his parents and…

Photo of Capt. Malcolm C. Witts in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Witts, Capt. Malcolm C., Article on back of photo; "Captain Witts Ends Leave; Capt. Malcolm C. Witts, was home recently on a 15-day leave from Drew Field, Fla. Captain Witts, the son of Mrs. W. A. Jordan, of 755 East Johns…