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- Tags: public forum
League of Women Voters - Programs - Public Forum
Tags: America Inc the conditions of progress, American Dream a Cairo woman's lament, Board meeting agenda and notes, Chicago's separate cities, Communications and the new politics, Community Forums, Conditions of Progress a Letter to Friends in Illinois, correspondence, Crisis of American Cynicism, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Disenfranchised of the past leaders of the future, Grassroots democracy, Grassroots democracy Oak Park and Austin, Grassroots democracy the Saul Alinsky method, Illini forensic association, Illinois Papers, Lake Michigan federation, League of Women Voters, Memo with notes, Men take of the land and get rich, newspaper articles, Programs, public forum, Recognized contradictions, Resolving the contradictions of womanhood, Schools and the freedom of discipline, The American dilemma democracy vs plutocracy, The essence of the problem centralization, The fallacies of liberal education, the Indian's despair, The last American individual, the Latino's vision, the Worker's tragedy, TV and the loss of feeling, University of Illinois, Welfare the shape of things to come
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - January 1986
League of Women Voters - Scrapbook and articles - 1958-1970
Tags: 1958-1970, Buses, Candidates meeting, child welfare, Con-Con, convention, council manager drive, court changes, DPLibrary, Educational fund, fund drive, Golden Prairie, Hotline Marathon, judicial coffee, League of Women Voters, LWV Tea, newspaper articles, public forum, Referendum, School Board, school problems, school tax hike, Scrapbook, state constitution, state meetings, UN meeting, voters, WDZ