Browse Items (23 total)
- Tags: University of Illinois
League of Women Voters - Programs - Public Forum
Tags: America Inc the conditions of progress, American Dream a Cairo woman's lament, Board meeting agenda and notes, Chicago's separate cities, Communications and the new politics, Community Forums, Conditions of Progress a Letter to Friends in Illinois, correspondence, Crisis of American Cynicism, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Disenfranchised of the past leaders of the future, Grassroots democracy, Grassroots democracy Oak Park and Austin, Grassroots democracy the Saul Alinsky method, Illini forensic association, Illinois Papers, Lake Michigan federation, League of Women Voters, Memo with notes, Men take of the land and get rich, newspaper articles, Programs, public forum, Recognized contradictions, Resolving the contradictions of womanhood, Schools and the freedom of discipline, The American dilemma democracy vs plutocracy, The essence of the problem centralization, The fallacies of liberal education, the Indian's despair, The last American individual, the Latino's vision, the Worker's tragedy, TV and the loss of feeling, University of Illinois, Welfare the shape of things to come
League of Women Voters - monthly board meeting - Monthly luncheon meeting - September 1958
Tags: board meeting, Finance Drive, judicial amendment, League of Women Voters, luncheon meeting, LWV luncheon, Minutes, Mrs. Colvis president, Mrs. Cresswell secretary, nominating committee, Professor Edward Cleery, regional LWV meeting, treasure's report, unit meetings, University of Illinois, Water trips
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - October 1947
Tags: A. E. Staley, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Dr. Edwin Reader, Education for a Dangerous World, Kauper Hall, League of Women Voters, Millikin University, Minutes, Mrs. J. A. Melrose, national Food Conservation Committee in Washington D.C., no board meeting, no general meeting, October 1947, Relief to Europe, Saving at Home, Speakers, University of Illinois
Residence - 442 W. Prairie - Dr. Albert Drew Home
Tags: 1980-1974, Albert Drew, architect, Article, assessor's office, Bernard Witt, Blanche Barnard, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, city directory, Clarence Goltra, description, drawing, floor plan, George f. Barber, History, Macon County Coordinating Council, owners, photo, Preservation in Decatur, Register of Old Buildings, University of Illinois, Vera Witt
Residence - #2 Millikin Place - Edward P. Erving Home
Tags: 1911-1974, Article, assessor's office, biography, Centennial History of Decatur and Macon County, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collecion, city directory, description, drawing, E. Frank and Elma Beaman, Edward P. Irving, Fairies Manufacturing, floor plan, Frank Lloyd Wright, George and Hazel Walker, Herald and Review, History, L. Blair, Mabel Richard, Macon County Coordinating Council, Margaret Miller, Marion Mahoney Griffin, Millikin Place, Mrs. Florence Irving, obituaries, owners, Past and Present of Macon County, photos, Prairie Style 1900-1915. characteristics, Preservation in Decatur, Register of Old Buildings, Robert and Sally Brown, Robert Fairies, University of Illinois, William E. and Bonnie Dutton
Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - January 2020 - agenda, minutes, packet
Science Kid - December 2010
University of Illinois Smart Energy Design Assistance Center - September 2011
Lee D. Pigott's Interview #1
Tags: 1978, AB degree, Ada Holtwick Caudle Pigott, aluminum scrap drive, Antoinette County KS, apprenticeship, Armistice Day, aviation mechanic, basketball, Betty Turnell, boys' club, cabinet making, car repair man, Carpenter's Union, Centennial Junior High School, Charles Lee, childhood, Christmas program, Christopher Wren tower, corporal punishment, counseling departments, Cy Gentry, Decatur Board of Education, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Kiwanis Club, Decatur Public Schools, Dennis School, distributive education, diversified occupations, Dr. Cameron Harmon, Dr. Lloyd Trump, Durfee School, Durfee School principal, Enlistment, farmhand, fathers' club, forced retirement, Ford Foundation, Gaither farm, Gastman School, Great Lakes Naval Academy, growth pattern, gymnasium, high school diploma, ice wagon, Illinois Junior High School Association, industrial education, interview, janitor, January 1978, Kansas, Kansas City MO, Ku Klux Klan, Lebanon IL, Lee D. Pigott, Lee Decatur Pigott, Lincoln School, Little 19 Basketball Tournament, Logan School, machinist, Malleable Iron Company, manual training, Mary W. French School, master's degree, Mayor, McKendree College Academy, Methodist Church, Millikin University, Miss Elizabeth Crowder, Mobile and Ohio shop, mothers' club, Mr. Jones, Murphysburo IL, Naval Aviation, North Central Association, Oakland Junior High School, Oakland School, Oke Summers, Oklahoma, Old Clothes Day, oral history, Pekin IL, Pekin Starch, Pfeifer, Pines Community Center, Principal, PTA, quitting school, R.S.W. McDavid, Railroad YMCA, recording, Roosevelt Junior High School, Spanish flu, staff utilization, Superintendent Engleman, Third United Brethren Church, Torrence Park, truancy, Ulrich School, University of Illinois, vocational automobile mechanics, vocational building trades, vocational cabinet making, vocational drafting, vocational electricity, vocational sheet and metal, vocational work, Warren School, wheat harvest crews, wooden paddle, Woodrow Wilson Junior High School, Woodworking, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII, YMCA, young people's group
Loren Boatman's Oral History
Tags: "live line" truck, 1986, August 1986, Betty Turnell, Bill Cecil, boating, cable television, cameras, Carl Hickerson, Carlinville IL, changes to broadcasting, changes to meteorology, Channel 17, childhood, Decatur Celebration, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Don Foreman, government weather observer, interview, J. Giles, Korean War, Lake Decatur, Lakeview High School, lights, live broadcasts, live commercials, Loren Boatman, MacArthur High School, master's degree, meteorologist, Meteorology, microphones, microwave dishes, Navy Indiana State Teacher's College, Northwestern Midshipman School, Northwestern University, oral history, Pacific Ocean, photography, piano, recording, Southern Illinois University, Teacher, Television, travelling, University of Illinois, WAND