Wabash Railway from the Roundhouse to James St. (No Date)
Dublin Core
Wabash Railway from the Roundhouse to James St. (No Date)
Wabash Railway
Wabash yards
machine shop
wash room
master mechanic's office
cinder pit
meter & valve box
concrete fillup & washout tanks
paint shop
dry sand tanks
wet sand storage room
canopy & coal receiving pit
coal storage
ice storage
oil house
engineman's toilets and lockers
Wabash office
signal repair shop
locoshop wash and lockers
cement storage
Locomotive Shops
sand blast house
flue storage
wheel storage
locomotive store room
foreman's office
lumber rack
electric shop
wash and locker house
locomotive blacksmith shop
oil pump house
shear shed and iron rack
stockman's house
coal bin
distributing tool room
shop and offices
reclamation plant
reclamation waste building
paint shed
yard office
mill & tin shop, planing mill
lumber shed
dry kiln
power house
fuel oil tanks and house
coach shop
transfer table
coach painting shop
machine & blacksmith shop
scrap wheel pit
service building
Chambers, Bering & Quinlan Company
Decatur Foundry Co.
American Hominy Co.
Decatur Ice Co.
A.E. Staley Mfg. Co.
Decatur Bridge Co.
Decatur Heights
Bourne & Stroh's Addition
Donovan Heights 1st Addition
Westlake Addition of outlots
Westlake 2nd Addition of outlots
C.Y. Miller's 1st Addition
Raceland Plat "C" in Plat "C"
Camp & Emrich's 2nd Addition
Camp & Emrich's Addition
Camp & Emrich's Addition of outlots
Raceland Plat "D" in Plat "A"
Wabash Place
Orchard St.
Marietta St.
Sangamon St.
Arch St.
Pearl St.
Calhoun St.
Clayton St.
Jasper St.
Witt St.
Lowber St.
Stone St.
Woodford St.
Charles St.
East Ave.
N. Jordan St.
Condit St.
N. Folk St.
Wabash Ave.
4th St.
5th St.
6th St.
22nd St.
Herkimer St.
23rd St.
24th St.
25th St.
26th St.
27th St.
Locust St.
13th St.
14th St.
15th St.
Moser Rd.
Clarence Ave.
Thomas Ave.
E. Division St.
18th St.
17th St.
Samuels St.
E. Logan St.
E. Olive St.
E. Hickory St.
E. Grand Ave.
Homewood Ave.
E. James St.
Decatur IL
Railroad Map Collection
Wabash yards
machine shop
wash room
master mechanic's office
cinder pit
meter & valve box
concrete fillup & washout tanks
paint shop
dry sand tanks
wet sand storage room
canopy & coal receiving pit
coal storage
ice storage
oil house
engineman's toilets and lockers
Wabash office
signal repair shop
locoshop wash and lockers
cement storage
Locomotive Shops
sand blast house
flue storage
wheel storage
locomotive store room
foreman's office
lumber rack
electric shop
wash and locker house
locomotive blacksmith shop
oil pump house
shear shed and iron rack
stockman's house
coal bin
distributing tool room
shop and offices
reclamation plant
reclamation waste building
paint shed
yard office
mill & tin shop, planing mill
lumber shed
dry kiln
power house
fuel oil tanks and house
coach shop
transfer table
coach painting shop
machine & blacksmith shop
scrap wheel pit
service building
Chambers, Bering & Quinlan Company
Decatur Foundry Co.
American Hominy Co.
Decatur Ice Co.
A.E. Staley Mfg. Co.
Decatur Bridge Co.
Decatur Heights
Bourne & Stroh's Addition
Donovan Heights 1st Addition
Westlake Addition of outlots
Westlake 2nd Addition of outlots
C.Y. Miller's 1st Addition
Raceland Plat "C" in Plat "C"
Camp & Emrich's 2nd Addition
Camp & Emrich's Addition
Camp & Emrich's Addition of outlots
Raceland Plat "D" in Plat "A"
Wabash Place
Orchard St.
Marietta St.
Sangamon St.
Arch St.
Pearl St.
Calhoun St.
Clayton St.
Jasper St.
Witt St.
Lowber St.
Stone St.
Woodford St.
Charles St.
East Ave.
N. Jordan St.
Condit St.
N. Folk St.
Wabash Ave.
4th St.
5th St.
6th St.
22nd St.
Herkimer St.
23rd St.
24th St.
25th St.
26th St.
27th St.
Locust St.
13th St.
14th St.
15th St.
Moser Rd.
Clarence Ave.
Thomas Ave.
E. Division St.
18th St.
17th St.
Samuels St.
E. Logan St.
E. Olive St.
E. Hickory St.
E. Grand Ave.
Homewood Ave.
E. James St.
Decatur IL
Railroad Map Collection
This map shows the Wabash Railroad from the Wabash roundhouse to E. James St. It shows the entire Wabash yards.
Wabash Railway
Railroad Map Collection #8.003
Decatur Public Library, Decatur, IL
Copyright has been assigned to the Decatur Public Library. All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted to the Department of Archives and Special Collections. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the Decatur Public Library as the owner of the physical items and as the owners of copyright in items created by the donor. Although copyright was transferred by the donor, copyright in some items in the collection may still be held by their respective creator(s). For further information, contact the Department of Archives and Special Collections.
Supported in part by an award from the Illinois State Historical Records Advisory Board, through funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, National Archives and Records Administration.
Supported in part by an award from the Illinois State Historical Records Advisory Board, through funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, National Archives and Records Administration.
Railroad Map Collection, Wabash Railway, Wabash yards, Decatur IL
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Physical Dimensions
Wabash Railway, “Wabash Railway from the Roundhouse to James St. (No Date),” Decatur Public Library Local History Photo Collection, accessed March 4, 2025, http://omeka.decaturlibrary.org/items/show/8288.