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Board of Trustees zoom meeting - January 2021 - agenda, minutes, packet
Tags: 2021 meeting schedule, adult computer use and internet access policy, Agenda, arts and artifacts display policy, board of directors, Board of Trustees, board openings, Budget Report, capital needs, check register, city librarian's performance evaluation process, City Librarian's Report, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, diversity equity inclusion, division heads' reports, Finance and Properties, FMLA leave expansion and emergency paid six leave policy due to COVID-19 policy, IHLS, January 2021, Minutes, packet, personnel policy and public relations, personnel update, Rick Meyer, secretary position, Serving Our Public study, SHARE, social worker, Zoom Meeting
W. Main St. Subway at Oakland Ave, Looking West on Main St.
Personnel Policy and Public Relations committee zoom meeting - February 2021 - agenda, minutes, packet
Tags: Agenda, board of directors by-laws, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, diversity equity inclusion, February 2021, library records confidentiality policy, Minutes, packet, personnel policy and public relations, personnel update, Rick Meyer, sexual harassment and retaliation policy, workplace discrimination harassment violence and retaliation policy, Zoom Meeting