Browse Items (526 total)
- Tags: Herald and Review
Photos of Various Business Offices.
Photos of the Herald and Review Building Exterior and Interior.
Photos of the Herald and Review Baseball Teams
League of Women Voters - Projects - Local Healthcare - 1983
League of Women Voters - Projects - Court Watching [ Newspaper Articles - 1977 to 1978
League of Women Voters - Projects - Human Resources Project - 1970 to 1979
Tags: . Mobile homes, 1970-1979, 1980 community development block grant application, Adlai E. Stevenson III, Annual report on human relations, Barbara Minich, Charles Percy, City Council Agenda, Committee Guide, correspondence, Decatur Housing Authority, Decatur Macon County opportunity corporation incorporated, DMCOC housing, Edward Madigan, Elderly Housing Project, Employment and Human Relations, Future of neighborhood youth corps program, Gail Childs, Greenwood Manor, Herald and Review, Home ownership make east H.O.M.E, Human Resources Project, Human Resources Report, League of Women Voters, Leslie Allen, Longview Place, newspaper articles, NYC worksites, Operation and Needs of the Decatur Public Library, Operation Breakthrough, projects, Proposals for reform of the welfare system, Proposed Low-Income Project, Proposed resolution of the board of Decatur Macon county opp. corp., The Guideline, Torrence Park, Urban renewal, VISTA volunteers
League of Women Voters - Projects - Equal Rights Amendment - 1974
Tags: 1974, 1979, articles, brochures, Citizens' advisory council on the status of women, Conference application, Correspondence and Letters, Equal Rights Amendment, ERA, Herald and Review, League of Women Voters, Membership application, Petition, projects, Proposed amendment to US constitution, publications, Ratification skit, workshops
League Of Women Voters - Projects - Court Watching Project - News Clippings - 1978 - 1981
Photo of a Bureau made for E. R. Culver by a friend of his father Watt Culver.
Photos of Review Business Office Staff, Circulation Staff, and Composing Room Staff.
Tags: 12/7/1913, Beecher Hughey, Bill Coonradt, BS847, BS848, BS849, Business, Business Office Staff, Charles Vail, circulation staff, Clarence "Si" Radford, Composing Room Staff, Ed Winters, Edna Hughbanks, edna S. Rieple, Eleanor Edmundson, Elwood Crawford, Ernest Reed, Fay Minnick, Freda Requarth, George Musine, H. M. Scott, Harry Benford, Herald and Review, Jack Mintun, Jaunita Lanterman, John Beckett, John Huber, Lloyd Jackson, Mabel E. Green, Marie Hartmann, Mary E. Bailey, Mathilde Genry, Milton Bergen, Mr. Lemmons, Newspapers, Orville Lemmon, Quarter Century Edition, Review, Royal Price, Russell D. Rainey, Samuel Eddy, Terry Stoner, Walter Henry