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Miscellaneous Photos of A. E. Staley

Photograph of the A. E. Staley Credit Union Building. Photograph of Railroad Car. Photograph of Starch Drying Kiln. Photograph of the Staley Ditch. Photograph of the Staley Farm.. Photograph of the 25th Anniversary Plaque. Photograph of the Staley…

Photo of 5 Montgomery Place home of A. E. Staley
Photograph of 5 Montgomery Place, home of A. E. Staley, photo taken 7/7/1941.

Photographs of the A. E. Staley House
361 N. College. Built by W. J. Quinlan in the early 1880's and sold to William H. Ennis in 1891. It was bought by A. E. Staley in 1913 and extensively remodeled. The home was given to the Y.M.C.A. in September of 1952 by Mrs. Emma L. Staley. In 1952…

Photo of the A. E. Staley Manufacturing Co. Buildings
Photograph of A. E. Staley, Mfg. Co. This is a view of the east and industrial section of Decatur in 1912. This photo was published in the Review December 1, 1912 and was taken by George Baker of Decatur. The cutline with the photo when it ran read…