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League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - January 1980
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon Count
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - November 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - September 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - August 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
Tags: Agenda, announcements, Barb Brown president, board meeting, correspondence, council of communication services, ERA, Greenview poll, League of Women Voters, Mary Coberly secretary, meetings, Minutes, national Board report, oil recycle, Programs, Public Relations, publications, reports, Special Board meeting, treasurer's report, Voter
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - July 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - board meeting - June 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - May 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - April 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County
Tags: Agenda, announcements, Annual Meeting, Betty Jacobsen secretary, board meeting, Child abuse act, Finance Drive, Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors Home, Karen Jensen president, League of Women Voters, Minutes, oil recycling, poll watchers, Program Budget, Program Record, reports, school fees waiver, treasurer's report, urban crisis
League of Women Voters - board meeting - March 1979
This is the historical account of the League of Women Voters in Macon County