Browse Items (29 total)
- Tags: state convention
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#32#33#34#35#36#37#38#39 - 1961
Tags: Annual Meeting, annual reports, April 1961, budget, bulletins, by-laws, C.C.C.M.F., Calendar, Champaign county league meeting, County governments, Deed Caterers, election laws, elections, February 1961, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, January 1961, League lingo, League of Women Voters, League position since 1951, legislative school, local agenda, March 1961, May 1961, Meeting with Congressman Springer, Membership, National Program making, New arrivals, New year letter, Newsletters, Nominating, November 1961, Oakley dam project, orientation meeting, Politics of trade, program conference, proposed budget, Public Health, Public Relations, public transportation, publications, Revenue, September 1961, Special Meeting, state convention, Summer Coffee, This is Macon County booklets, Transportation study, Unit meetings con-con, United Nations, Voters Services
League of Women Voters -Board Meeting - March 1993
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - Annual Meeting - May 1985
Tags: Action, Agenda, Andrea Bowen president, announcements, Annual Meeting, annual reports, Audit Report, board meeting, Budget Report, by-laws, Center for Independent Living, Coalitions, Declaration to Board, Dee Meyerson secretary, Dee Meyerson secretary elect, Finance, League of Women Voters, Linda Hughes president elect, Minutes, nomination and election, Program, proposed budget, publications, speaker CHIC, state convention, summer meeting plans, treasurer's report
League of Women Voters - board meeting - April 1985
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - April 1989
Tags: Agenda, Agnita Dupree president, announcements, Betty Melville secretary, board meeting, Budget Report, Committee Reports, environmental committee, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, nominating committee, Program, Publication, reports, state board, state convention, state programs, Voter
League of Women Voters - board meeting - January 1989
Tags: Action, Agenda, Agnita Dupree president, announcements, Betty Melville secretary, board meeting, budget, Finance Drive, League of Women Voters, Membership, Minutes, nominating committee, nuclear waste education project, Program, publications, recycling, reports, state board, state breakfast, state convention, State Legislature, state program, treasurer's report, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1988
Tags: Agenda, Agnita Dupree president, Alcohol and Drug abuse, Betty Melville secretary, board meeting, Election coverage, international supper, League of Women Voters, local leagues, Minutes, Palm Cards, recycling, regional meeting, reports, state convention, State of Political Action Policy, treasurer's report, yearly calendar
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - June 1988
League of Women Voters - board meeting - March 1983
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - Annual Meeting - May 1981
Tags: Agenda, announcements, Annual Meeting, Annual meeting Program, appointment of committee chairs, Barb Brown president, board meeting, budget, by-law changes, Communications, League of Women Voters, Mary Coberly secretary, Minutes, nominations and elections, proposed budget, proposed program, report on convention, reports, state budget total, state consensus report, state convention, The Decatur Voters, Time for Action, treasurer's report