Browse Items (8620 total)

Photo of Pfc. William Spence in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Spence, Pfc. William, son of Mrs. C. W. Spence, 1534 E. Lawrence, Decatur, IL.; Article on back of photo; "Bill Spence Is Air Instructor; Pfc. Bill Spence returned to duty at Bluethenthal Field, Wilmington, N.C., after…

Photo of Pfc. William E. Goodman in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Goodman, Pfc. William E., Article on back of photo; "First Class Pvt. William E. Goodman, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Goodman of 841 East North Street, returned last Friday to Camp Forrest, Tenn., after spending his…

Photo of Pfc. William C. Land in Uniform
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Pfc. William C. Land, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Land, Route 6, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Pfc. William "Bill" A. Gates in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Gates, Pfc. William A. "Bill"
Article on back of photo: "Gates Home From Campaigns In North Africa, Sicily, Italy; A battle-weary veteran of Old Blood and Guts Patton's Seventh army--Pfc. William A. "Bill" Gates, home for…

Photo of Pfc. Roy C. Davis in uniform
Armed Forces - Herald and Review Library; Davis, Roy C., 4/7/1949 unused. "Public Information Office, Lowry Air force Base, Denver, Colorado. For immediate release. April 5, 1949. Private First Class Roy C. Davis, 19, son of Mrs. A. L. Davis, 1106…

Photo of Pfc. Robert Stoutenborough in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Stoutenborough, Pfc. Robert; Article on back of photo; "Furlough Ends; Pfc. Robert Stoutenborough has returned to the marine base at San Diego, Calif., after a 10-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn…

Photo of Pfc. Ralph Duddleston in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; Duddleston, Ralph Pfc., 1/30/1944. Herald and Review photo by Martin J. Cooney, Decatur, IL. Article on back of photo: "How does it feel to come back to Decatur permanently after 18 months of living on the front…

Photo of Pfc. Melvin Hayes in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Hayes, Pfc. Melvin; "Hayes on Furlough; Pfc. Melvin Hayes, former Mueller Co., employee, is home on a 15-day furlough from Camp White, Ore., to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hayes, 1744 North Monroe street. He has…

Photo of Pfc. Melvin F. Mize in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Mize, Pfc. Melvin F., Article on back of photo; "Private First Class Melvin F. Mize, 27, a former, Decatur, Illinois, truck driver, has been returned to this country for treatment of wounds received in the fighting on…

Photo of Pfc. Manuel D. DeFrates, Jr. in uniform
WWII - Herald and Review Library; DeFrates, Manuel D., Jr., 4/1/1943. Linquist Photo. Dead - Killed in action WWII. Article on back: "DeFrates in Florida: Pfc. Manuel D. DeFrates, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel DeFrates, 1160 North Jordan Street,…