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Board Appointment Resolution - March 1, 1971
This is the appointment resolution for William Whitacre to join the Decatur Public Library Board of Trustees.
Auction Letter - February 1971
This is a letter by R.L. Schuerman that discusses the library auction and how no historical items were sold.
Tags: 1971, A. Webber Borchers, auction, auction letter, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Daughters of the American Revolution, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, February 1971, Genealogical Society, historical artifacts, letter, Macon County Historical Society, Macon County Museum, R.L. Schuerman
Reward Resolution - April 26, 1971
This is a resolution authorizing a reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone that damaged library property.
Bond Resolution - March 12, 1971
This is the bond resolution the Board presented to the City of Decatur as a way to formally ask them to issue bonds for the purchase of the library building from D.P.L. Corporation.
City Librarian's Annual Report - 1970/1971
This is the City Librarian's annual report for the fiscal year of 1970/1971. The main topic of this report is the renovation and move to the North St. Building.
Committees of the Board of Directors - August 1971
This is a list of the committees of the Board of Directors from August 1971.
Committees of the Board of Directors - January 1971
This is a list of the committees of the Board of Directors from January 1971.
Committees of the Board of Directors - July 1971
This is a list of the Board committees from July 1971.
Emergency Employment Act Memo - October 18, 1971
This is memo from Robert Dumas to David Kirk, Coordinator of the Public Employment Program about the library participating in the Emergency Employment Act. The memo includes 4 projects that could be funded with this new act: bibliographic records…
Friends of the Decatur Public Library Resolution - January 15, 1971
This is the resolution given to the Friends of the Decatur Public Library in recognition of the pre-opening reception they gave for the Board of the Library and the City Council at the new building.