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  • Tags: 1971

Photos of the Grand Opening of Turn-style Family Center North Gate Shopping Center.

Photographs of the Grand Opening of the Turn-style Family Center on Pershing Road. BS2380 L: Elmer Walton, Mayor and Frank J. Tyska V.P. Turn-style. BS2383 L-R: Frank J. Tyska, James Fues and Elmer Walton.
Turn-style was a subsidiary of Jewel Tea…

Photos of the Decatur Bottling Company.

BS703-Decatur Bottling Co_Cantrell St_No Date_275.jpg
Photographs of the Decatur Bottling Company located on the corner of Cantrell and Broadway (now MLK) streets. Photos of the building, bottling, manufacturing and packaged for distribution.

Photographs of Warrensburg School Building Additions in 1970 and Austin School Building.
Photographs of one story addition to Warrensburg School, interior, and gymnasium 1970 and Austin School Building.

Technical Services Activities by Months - 1971/1972

This is a spreadsheet showing the activity of the Technical Services Department in the fiscal year of 1971/1972.

Survey of Public Libraries - Fiscal Year 1971

This is the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Survey of Public Libraries and Nonconsolidated Public Library Systems Serving Areas with At Least 25,000 Inhabitants - Fiscal Year 1971.

Graphs - 1971/1972

These are graphs of the total Reference activity in 1971/1972.