Browse Items (8621 total)
League of Women Voters - January 1950
Tags: board meeting, budget, budget committee, Candidates Meeting committee, Committee chairmen, Committee Regional Institute, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Hoover Report, Housing Projects, January Activities, Katherine Donavon secretary, League of Women Voters, Marshall Plan, Minutes, Mr. Edward Lindsey, nominating committee, pamphlet, Program schedule, Rolla McMillian, State Budget, Tax Monies, Treasure's report, Voters Services
League of Women Voters - November - 1949
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1949
Tags: Association of Commerce, board meeting, citizenship, civil liberties chairman, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Finance Drive, forums, League of Women Voters, Lincoln league, Millikin library, Minutes, Mr. Dirksen, Mrs. Kuhns, Mrs. Preston Farley, Mrs. Williams, national agenda, Program Committee, program conference, Sen. Lucas, state league, treasure's report, voters' service conference
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - September 1949
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - August 1949
League of Women Voters - Board minutes - May 1949
League of Women Voter - Board Minutes - March 1949
Tags: Action committee, activities, Annual Meeting, board meeting, budget committee, bulletin, Con-Con, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Economic Committee, Education committee, Finance Committee, Fiscal budget, Foreign Relations committee, Government in Action, League of Women Voters, local projects, March 1949, Membership committee, Minutes, National by-laws, nominating committee, Program chairmen, Program Committee, proposed budget, Publicity committee, slate of officers, state convention, state president, treasurer's report, UN committee
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - February 1949
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - January 1949
Tags: activities, Biennial State Convention, board meeting, budget committee, by-laws, Chamber of Commerce, Constitution committee, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Education committee, general meeting, International Relations committee, January 1949, League of Women Voters, Local Project committee, Minutes, National Office, Rep. Furgeson, Sen. McMillian, Special Calling committee, treasurer's report, UN committee