Browse Items (40 total)
- Tags: Calendar
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#40#41#42#43#44# - 1962
Tags: Action on U.N. and trade expansion, Annual Meeting, April 1962, Books for the mental health association, budget, bulletins, Calendar, Call for Action, Candidates' meeting, Con Con, continuing responsibilities, County Government, Decatur board, Deed Caterers, Downtown council approached by our Foreign Policy chairman, Emergency bus study, February 1962, Finance, Finance drive plans, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, Health services, International trade conference, January 1962, judicial amendment, Last words, League of Women Voters, local agenda, March 1962, May 1962, Membership, national convention, Newsletters, Nominating, orientation, Political parties, Public Relations, Public school workshop, publications, regional meeting, Report of budget committee 1962 to 1963, The great debate of 1962 our trade laws, unit meetings, United Nations, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#32#33#34#35#36#37#38#39 - 1961
Tags: Annual Meeting, annual reports, April 1961, budget, bulletins, by-laws, C.C.C.M.F., Calendar, Champaign county league meeting, County governments, Deed Caterers, election laws, elections, February 1961, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, January 1961, League lingo, League of Women Voters, League position since 1951, legislative school, local agenda, March 1961, May 1961, Meeting with Congressman Springer, Membership, National Program making, New arrivals, New year letter, Newsletters, Nominating, November 1961, Oakley dam project, orientation meeting, Politics of trade, program conference, proposed budget, Public Health, Public Relations, public transportation, publications, Revenue, September 1961, Special Meeting, state convention, Summer Coffee, This is Macon County booklets, Transportation study, Unit meetings con-con, United Nations, Voters Services
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#28#29#30#31 - 1960
Tags: Association of commerce coffee hour, Board of supervisors special meeting, bulletin, Calendar, Calendar for October, Constitutional Convention, County Government, County government workshops, December 1960, Deed Caterer, dues, elections laws, Envelope, Finance drive 1960, Foreign Policy, Foreign policy workshop, League of Women Voters, May 1960, Membership, new members, Newsletters, October 1960, Program conference in Chicago, publications, regional meeting, Revenue, September 1960, Summer coffee bulletin, Tentative programs for 1960-1961, The Decatur Distaff, The new board, The present board, This is Macon County, Voter's services
League of Women Voters - Projects - 1970 Constitution - Part 2
Tags: 1970, Calendar, Con Con and the Unions, Constitution Part 2, De Paul Law Review - Shape of the Illinois Constitution, Delegate Selection Study, election laws, League of Women Voters, Legislation Platform of Illinois PTA, members, Memos to Con Con Chairmen, newspaper articles, Pre-Convention Information, Press Releases, Procedure Issues, Progress Report on Study Commission, projects, Questions and Answers on the convention, Statement of support, Talking Con Con to Businessmen and Men's Groups, Talking Con Con to Church Groups, Talking con Con to Labor Groups, Talking Con Con to Non-Urban Groups, Talking con con to Welfare and Mental Health Groups, The Big Ten Role of the People, The Executive Timetable
League of Women Voters - Projects - Illinois Juvenile Court Watching Project - Part 3 - 1981
Tags: 1981, Advocates, Analysis of Illinois Juvenile Court Act, Application of Public Funds and Liability of Parents, Background information sheet for monitoring site, Background of Services, Calendar, Case observation report sample, Case Sheet, Citizens view of the Juvenile court in Illinois, Daily Summary Sheet, Daily summary sheet sample, Disposition, Duties of area coordinators, Evaluation of facilities and personnel sample, Journalistic policy for the Illinois Juvenile court watching project, Jurisdiction Venue and Relationship to Criminal and Proceedings and Confinement with Adults and Records, Juvenile Court in Macon County: An Inside Look by Outsiders, League of Women Voters, List of courts observed 1977, Major State Agencies Serving Children, Monitor Profile, Needs and Issues of children who come before the court, newspaper articles, Notes, objectives, Obstacles, Petitions Summons and Adjudication, projects, Repealer and effective Date, Sample press release, Services and Personnel of the Court, State steering committee members, Statement of Purpose and Rights of Parties, Summary of state project recommendations, Temporary Custody Detention and Shelter Care, When citizen go to court: a report of Illinois Court Watching project 1976-1977, Where do they go after the Juvenile Court, Who Cares for Kids