Browse Items (46 total)
- Tags: unit meetings
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#40#41#42#43#44# - 1962
Tags: Action on U.N. and trade expansion, Annual Meeting, April 1962, Books for the mental health association, budget, bulletins, Calendar, Call for Action, Candidates' meeting, Con Con, continuing responsibilities, County Government, Decatur board, Deed Caterers, Downtown council approached by our Foreign Policy chairman, Emergency bus study, February 1962, Finance, Finance drive plans, Foreign Policy, From the sound of the president's gavel, Health services, International trade conference, January 1962, judicial amendment, Last words, League of Women Voters, local agenda, March 1962, May 1962, Membership, national convention, Newsletters, Nominating, orientation, Political parties, Public Relations, Public school workshop, publications, regional meeting, Report of budget committee 1962 to 1963, The great debate of 1962 our trade laws, unit meetings, United Nations, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1979
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - April 1968
League of Women Voters - board meeting - December 1967
Tags: Agenda, announcements, Barbara Tilley president, board meeting, civil right study committee, constitutional convention study group, human resources committee report, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Persis Hamilton secretary, publications, school study report, speaker, treasurer's report, unit meetings
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - April 1967
Tags: Agenda, Barbara Tilley president, board appointments, board meeting, Candidates meeting, change in officers, community conversations, correspondence, Doris Bower secretary, Human Resources, League of Women Voters, library, men's advisory group, Minutes, Mrs. Paris Hamilton appointed secretary, planning agencies, publications, Schools, state convention, subscriptions services, treasurer's report, unit meetings
League of Women Voter - Board Meeting - January 1967
Tags: Agenda, Annual Meeting, board meeting, by-laws committee and changes, China-US, consensus for state office, consensus water resources report, Decatur Public Schools, equal housing committee, League of Women Voters, Local program selection, Membership, Minutes, monthly budget summary report, Mrs. Harold Tenney vice president, nominating committee, Pauline Jurgens secretary pro-temp, Program, proposed budget for 1967-1968, Public Relations, Self Start, treasurer's report, unit meetings, Voters' Services
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1966
Tags: Agenda, China - US, correspondence, Doris Bower secretary, equal housing, Finance Drive, Human Resources, League of Women Voters, library, Lola Smith president, Meeting, Membership, Minutes, nominating committee, planning agreement, publications, Revenue amendment, Schools, telephone committee, treasurer's report, unit meetings, Voters' Services, Water, Welfare
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - October 1965
Tags: Agenda, County Nursing Home, Decatur voter, District of Columbia Home Rule, Finance Drive, Foreign economic policy, Human Resources, League of Women Voters, Local agenda meeting, Meeting, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Hurst president, Mrs. Langenberg secretary, nominating committee, Other business, Public Relations, publications, Revenue, treasurer's report, unit meetings, United Nations, Urban renewal, Votes service
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - September 1965
Tags: Agenda, appointments, coming meeting, Communications, community meeting, Decatur voter, League of Women Voters, Mary Langenberg secretary, Meeting, Membership, Minutes, Mrs. Hurst president, national program, Public Relations, publications, recommendations, resource committees, treasurer's report, unit meetings, voters service
League of Women Voters - Monthly Board Meeting and Special Meeting - April 1965
Tags: board meeting, bulletin, by-law change, Candidates meeting, consensus, Council-Manager advertisement, Decatur League, Dee Meyerson secretary, Foreign economic policy, League of Women Voters, library, local program for 1965-1966, Membership, Millikin Women, Minutes, Mrs. Hurst president, Patricia Turner secretary, Public Relations, publications, reimbursement policy, school board referendum, Special Meeting, state convention, state program, The Bulletin, treasurer's report, unit meetings, upcoming meetings, Urban renewal