Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: dues
League of Women Voters - Newsletters - Bulletins#28#29#30#31 - 1960
Tags: Association of commerce coffee hour, Board of supervisors special meeting, bulletin, Calendar, Calendar for October, Constitutional Convention, County Government, County government workshops, December 1960, Deed Caterer, dues, elections laws, Envelope, Finance drive 1960, Foreign Policy, Foreign policy workshop, League of Women Voters, May 1960, Membership, new members, Newsletters, October 1960, Program conference in Chicago, publications, regional meeting, Revenue, September 1960, Summer coffee bulletin, Tentative programs for 1960-1961, The Decatur Distaff, The new board, The present board, This is Macon County, Voter's services
League of Women Voters - President's Report - April 1963 to March 1964
League of Women Voters - Board Meeting - June 1962
League of Women Voters - monthly board meeting - May 1956
League of Women Voters - Monthly Board Meeting - September 1954
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - 1946
Tags: 1946, Board Minutes, by laws, call to order, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, Committee of Action and Programs, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, discussion, dues, duties, Finance Committee, First executive board meeting, Group meeting, League of Women Voters, Macon County League of Women Voters, members reports, Membership committee, minutes approval, president's report, Programs, Public Relations Committee, secretary report, standing committees, State and National Organizations, treasure's report
League of Women Voters - Finances - Budget - 1961 to 1985
Tags: 1961-1985, activities, annual report, Balances, bulletins, Charlotte Meyer, Charlotte Meyer Collection, contributions, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Disbursements, dues, Expenditures, Finances and Budget, instructions, League of Women Voters, monthly reports, pledge to state, postage, publications, rentals, treasure's report