Browse Items (8622 total)
Lucille Hartten - St. Theresa Academy
Mrs. W.A. Hartbank - Boy
Mrs. D. Hartbank - Baby
Vada Hart
Mrs. M.L. Harry - Child
Mrs. George Harris - Boy
Ad Hoc Committee Relations with RPLS - February 1983 - memo
Ad Hoc Committee - Goal and Evaluation - September 1987
Tags: ad hoc committee, board of directors, Chuck Phillips city of Decatur, Decatur ILL, Decatur Public Library, disaster and emergency evacuation plan, evaluation of city librarian, goal setting, James Seidl, library foundation brochure, Long Range Plans, management and supervisory skills seminar, Meeting, Minutes, needs access with DPS#61, Public Relations, revised goals, September 1987
Ad Hoc Committee Meeting - City Librarian's Evaluation - April 1985
Ad Hoc Committee - City Librarian's Evaluation - February 1987
Tags: 5 objectives, ad hoc committee, board of directors, citizen's survey, city librarian briefed committee, committee statues, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, endowments, evaluation of city librarian, February 1987, improve public relations, James Seidl, Meeting, members makeup, Minutes, review library code, staff training and development