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  • Tags: Navy

Photo of Robert W. Hershfelt in flight jacket with hat and goggles, name and date
Herald and Review Library: Hershfelt, Robert W., Article on back of photo; "Ensign Hershfelt, Robert W. Hershfelt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hershfelt, 1300 Lake Shore drive has been graduated from the naval air training center, Orpus Christi, …

Photo of Robert Smith in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Smith, Robert, son of Orville Smith, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Robert Smith in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Smith, Robert, son of Orville Smith, Decatur, IL.

Photo of Robert McGrath in uniform
Herald and Review Library: McGrath, Lt. Jr. Grade Robert; Article on back of photo; "Pacific Sea Battle, by-line Maxine Kyle of Herald and Review; Last August when the cruiser Astoria rolled over in flames and sank in the battle of the Solomons, a…

Photo of Robert Lee Moore being congratulated on deck of ship by Vice Admiral Daniel R. Barbey, USN
Herald and Review Library: Moore, Robert Lee; Written on back of photo; "Letter of Commendation Presented to Robert Lee Moore somewhere in the Philippines....Robert Lee Moore, seaman, second class, USNR, of Decatur, Ill., is shown (above) being…

Photo of Robert L. McEvoy (left) and Clifford Stogsdill in uniform
Herald and Review Library: McEvoy, Robert L. (left) and Stogsdill, Clifford (right); Article on back of photo: "Robert L. McEvoy, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo McEvoy, 740 East Grand avenue, and Clifford Stogsdill, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.…

Photo of Robert Holmes in uniform
Herald and Review Library; Holmes, Robert; Article on back of photo; "Billy V. Williams, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, 1108 East Condit street, and Robert Holmes, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holmes, 3856 Marietta street, both of whom…

Photo of Robert E. Wilson in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Wilson, Robert E., Article on back of photo; "Bob Wilson On Leave From Officers School; Robert E. Wilson, son of Dr. and Mrs. U. R. Wilson, of 2254 North Water street, has arrived home for a week's Christmas leave with his…

Photo of Robert E. Todd in uniform
Herald and Review Library: Todd, Robert E., Article on back of photo; "Seaman Todd Returns To Ship After Furlough; Robert E. Todd, seam first class and son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Todd of 1942 East Cantrell street, left Decatur last night for the…

Photo of Robert E. Lloyd in Navy White Dress Uniform
Herald and Review Library: Photo of Robert E. Lloyd, 5 Powers Lane Place, Decatur, IL.