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- Tags: Drainage districts
League of Women Voters - Publication - This is Macon County - A handbook on Local Government - 1965 to 1966
Tags: 1960 census report, Assessment of Real and Personal property, Charts and Maps, City of Decatur, Distribution of Decatur's property tax dollar, Drainage districts, Election districts, Election Maps within Macon county, Election precinct maps within Decatur Township, Financial information on public schools, Fire Protection districts, Forms of government in Macon County, Glossary of terms, League of Women Voters, Macon County, Macon County cities villages and townships, Macon County school districts, Mosquito abatement district, Park District, Party organization in Macon County, Political party structure in Macon County, Public Schools, Publication, Pupils teachers and buildings in public schools, Sanitary District, Structure of City of Decatur government, Structure of county government, This is Macon County A handbook on local government, Townships in Macon County, Villages incorporated and unincorporated, Voting procedures, Water districts