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  • Tags: City of Decatur

Kupish letters - 2011-2012

These are letter describing the compensation due to James Kurpish in 2011-2012 from the firm of Kehart Pecket and Booth representing the Decatur Public Library and the City of Decatur. Others involved were the civil service commission and IMRF.

Collective Bargaining Agreement - May 2012 to April 2017

This is the collective bargaining agreement of the library union #268 with the city of Decatur and the Decatur Public Library. Dated May 2012 to Apri 2017

Special Called Meeting of the Board of Trustees - April 2017 - agenda

This is the agenda of a special called meeting of the board of directors in April 2017. Items discussed were the approval of the amended collective bargaining agreement between the Council 31, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, Local 268, city of Decatur, Decaturā€¦

Adjacent Property Report Form- 2011

This is a copy of the adjacent property report form of 2011. Question on the form consist of contact information, property questions, building entrance location and type. This is part of the downtown streetscape and open space enhancement program.

Email concerning publication of Library Contract on City Web Site. February 2011.

This is an email from Jerd Morstattler from the city of Decatur asking if the library contract could be posted on the city web site. The AFSCME, Fire, and Police contracts are posted. February 2011

James A. Kupich email and letter regarding settlement, February 2011

This is a copy of the letter and email concerning Mr. James Kupish and his settlement from the City of Decatur. Included is information regarding Donna Rollins, IMRF, settlement request and plan, James Baker - lawyer, city of Decatur, and the releaseā€¦