Browse Items (5 total)
- Tags: Sanitary District
League of Women Voters - Publication - This is Macon County - And Its Political Subdivisions - 1960
Tags: 1960, Assessment of Real and Personal property, Charts and Maps, City of Decatur, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Distribution of the 1960 tax dollar, Election districts, Election maps precincts within Decatur township, Election maps precincts within Macon County, Fire Protection District, Glossary of terms, incorporated and unincorporated, League of Women Voters, Macon County, Macon County cities village and townships, Macon County school districts, Other cities in Macon County and villages, Our Public Schools, Overlay map of city of Decatur and Decatur Township and school district #61 and sanitary district and park district, Park District, Political party structure in Macon County, publications, Sanitary District, Structure of City of Decatur government, Structure of county government, Structure of political parties, This is Macon County and its political subdivisions, Townships in Macon County, Voting requirements
League of Women Voters - Publication - This is Macon County - A handbook on Local Government - 1965 to 1966
Tags: 1960 census report, Assessment of Real and Personal property, Charts and Maps, City of Decatur, Distribution of Decatur's property tax dollar, Drainage districts, Election districts, Election Maps within Macon county, Election precinct maps within Decatur Township, Financial information on public schools, Fire Protection districts, Forms of government in Macon County, Glossary of terms, League of Women Voters, Macon County, Macon County cities villages and townships, Macon County school districts, Mosquito abatement district, Park District, Party organization in Macon County, Political party structure in Macon County, Public Schools, Publication, Pupils teachers and buildings in public schools, Sanitary District, Structure of City of Decatur government, Structure of county government, This is Macon County A handbook on local government, Townships in Macon County, Villages incorporated and unincorporated, Voting procedures, Water districts
League of Women Voters - Publications - Governmental Directory for Citizens of Macon County - 1977
Tags: 1977, addresses, Administrative Boards, Boards and Commissions of Decatur, Committees and Chairpersons of the County Board, Community Mental Health, Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Conservation District, Decatur City Plan Commission, Decatur Housing Authority, Decatur IL, Decatur Park District, Decatur Public Library, Decatur School District #61, Governmental Directory for Citizens of Macon County, Human Relations Commission, Intergovernmental cooperation and County modernization commission, Judiciary, League of Women Voters, Macon County Board, Macon County Health Department, Macon County Offices, Mosquito abatement district, names, National government, Officials appointed by the County board, phone numbers, publications, Regional planning commission, Richland Community College, Sanitary District, Special District, State Government, Township officials, Zoning Board of appeals
League of Women Voters - November 1952 - Board Meeting
Tags: "Keys", bills presented, City Council, Constitutional Revision Chair, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Elizabeth Lupton secretary, Finance Drive, International Relations Chair, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Mrs. Clifford Smith president, nominating committee, Sanitary District, State Board meeting, treasurer's report, unit meetings, Voters Services
Dr. W.D. Hatfield's Oral History
Tags: 1979, Allentown PA, Archer Daniels Midland Company, bachelors in chemistry, Betty Turnell, Boy Scouts, Bozeman MT, Caterpillar Company, city planning commission, classical music, conservatory of music, Decatur IL, Dr. W.D. Hatfield, federation of sewage works associations, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Ft. Sill OK, Greeley and Hansen, Highland Park MI, Illinois College, industrial development, industrial growth, intercepting sewers, interview, Jacksonville IL, June 1979, Lake Decatur, lieutenant, Montana State College, Mueller Company, municipal affairs, national societies, officers' training, oral history, organic chemistry, Ph.D, physical chemistry, piano, Post Field OK, public affairs, recording, retirement, sanitary corps, Sanitary District, sewage treatment plant, Staley Company, state societies, superintendent, Travel, water filtration plant, World War I, WWI