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- Tags: international trade
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - March 1948
Tags: AAUW, Annual Meeting, board meeting, board of directors, budget, Constitutional Convention, Dean Miller, Decatur Community Forum, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, economic and world trade, educational committee, Finance Committee, GIO Committee, international trade, League of Women Voters, local nominating committee, Lyla Melrose, March 1948, Membership, Minutes, National bylaws, national convention, National nominating committee, public welfare, publication committee, Rev. Spears, slate of officers, State League questionnaire, State Organization secretary, treasure's report
League of Women Voters - November 1953 - Board Meeting
Tags: "Three Years of Faith and Work", board meeting, Chicago Conference, Chicago Meeting, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Evelyn MacKay secretary, expenses and recommendations, Farm problems, Finance Drive, international trade, League of Women Voters, Minutes, Mrs. John Donavan president, national agenda, School Board Changes, treasurer's report, unit meetings, World Trade