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- Tags: Constitutional Convention
League of Women Voters - Projects - Constitutional Convention - 1959 to 1970
Tags: 10 minutes on Con-Con, 1959 to 1970, 30 minutes on Con-Con, 5 minutes on Conc-Con, Alternatives, Amendment resolutions offered Constitutional revision, Beginning Our Study, Bibliography and suggested first readings, Chairmen, Con-con is coming, Constitution of 1818, Constitution of 1848, Constitution of 1870, Constitutional Convention, Convention representation, correspondence, Delegate's focus, Delegates to a Constitutional Convention, Demonstration workshop, Efforts to Change, Foundation, Gateway Opens, History, History of Constitutional Revisions, home rule, League of Women Voters, Let's Talk Con-Con, Local Leagues with Senatorial districts, Our role, Outline for a speech, Policy of Constitutional Convention campaign, population, projects, Repair or Rebuild, reports, Representation at a Constitutional Convention, Senatorial districts within Illinois, Statement of support, Summary of January 1960 Constitutional Convention, The Strait Jacket, Toward a New Constitution for Illinois
League of Women Voters - Local League Annual Reports - Match 1965
Tags: BYLAWS, civil right and liberties, Constitutional Convention, Directions, election laws, executive office of the governor, executive office of the president, Finance Report, Foreign Policy, future discussion areas, Human Resources, judicial reform, League of Voters, League publications, Local League Annual Reports, Local Program, Membership, national continuing responsibilities, Policies, pre-election activities, Public Relations, state guidance, state program, Study of Township government, treasurer's report, Voter services, Water resources
League of Women Voters - board meeting - January 1968
League of Women Voters - December 1960 - Board Meeting
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - March 1948
Tags: AAUW, Annual Meeting, board meeting, board of directors, budget, Constitutional Convention, Dean Miller, Decatur Community Forum, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, economic and world trade, educational committee, Finance Committee, GIO Committee, international trade, League of Women Voters, local nominating committee, Lyla Melrose, March 1948, Membership, Minutes, National bylaws, national convention, National nominating committee, public welfare, publication committee, Rev. Spears, slate of officers, State League questionnaire, State Organization secretary, treasure's report
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - May 1947
Tags: board meeting, bond issue, bulletin, candidates commission, Congressional Dinner, Congressman Dineen, Constitutional Convention, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, general meeting, H. Leigh, ice cream social, League of Women Voters, legislative school, May 1947, Minutes, Mrs. Goldman, Pat Leach, President Goldman, primary voting, projects, rummage sale, School Board, Sen Rotz, Sen. Brooks, Sen. Lucas, Springfield, tea, The League Letter, visual education, Volunteer, wool tariff amendment
League of Women Voters - Board Minutes - March 1947
Tags: Annual General Meeting, board meeting, budget, Committee chairmen, Constitutional Convention, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Election of Officers, FEPC bill discussion, League of Women Voters, League policies, March 1947, Minutes, New Officers, Park Board Elections, Peoria, President Goldman, Sen. Rotz, state convention, surplus of state funds, Town Meeting