Browse Items (49 total)

  • Collection: Decatur in The Great War 1917-1918

Students Dressed in Red Cross and Army Uniforms Showing Support for the War
WWI - Photograph of Junior High School Students, Nov. 1917. Students are dressed in Red Cross and Army Uniforms in support of the war.

Students Gardening in a Victory Garden
WWI - Photograph of children working in the Riverside School Garden. c.1917

Surgical Dressing Class in James Millikin University
WWI - Surgical dressings class at James Millikin University. C. 1918.

Telephone or Radio Operators
WWI - Radio or telephone operators. c. 1917 See war savings stamps, pg 11.

Thomas Daly - WWI sailor on the U.S.S. Connecticut.
Photograph of Thomas Daly on the U.S.S. Connecticut. This Decatur native served on this battleship as a fireman during World War I.

Unknown Soldier with Unknown Man.
WWI - Unknown soldier with unknown man. c. 1918

WWI Soldiers in Front of a Store in Decatur, IL. c. 1917
WWI - Company H, Illinois National Guard, on return from Springfield, IL., 1917.