Browse Items (8543 total)

Photo of Operators at Central Union Telephone Co.
Photograph of Telephone Operators at Switchboard Central Union Telephone Co.

Photo of C. E. Ward Co. Building
Photograph of C. E. Ward Co. Building located at 700 E. Cerro Gordo St. ran in the Review 12/7/1913.

Photo of Piggly Wiggly Grocery Store
Photograph of the Piggly Wiggly Store and Roy Richardson - Piggly Wiggly corner of Marietta and Oakland. The Piggly Wiggly stores became Eisner Stores.

Photos of Caroline's Country Club
Photographs of the exterior of Caroline's County Club and interior of the bar.

Photo of the Brown Jug Restaurant on Oakland Avenue, Decatur, IL
Photograph of the exterior of the Brown Jug Restaurant located on Oakland Avenue, Decatur, IL.

Aerial Photo of Borg Warner Factory

Aerial Photograph of the Borg Warner Manufacturing Plant, Decatur, IL.