Browse Items (8564 total)

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - February 2020 - agenda, minutes, and packet

These are the agenda, minutes, and packet of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in February 2020. Items discussed were capital needs, space needs, check register, budget report, lighting, signage, and green space

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - January 1982 - minutes

These are the minutes of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in January 1982 held at the Evan Branch Library. Items discussed were the South Wheatland Township requesting library services, the cost, and the tax rate.

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - January 2012 - agenda and minutes

These are the minutes and agenda of the finance and properties committee meeting in January 2012. Items discussed were budget, check register, close session, employees, Annex, Local History Room project, patron survey, Post office parking spaces,…

Finance and Properties committee meeting - January 2015 - agenda and minutes

These are the agenda and minutes of the finance and properties committee in January 2015. Items discussed were check register, budget review, Decatur Public Building Commission/Macon County, memorandum of understanding, public meeting to inform…

Finance and Properties committee meeting - January 2016 - agenda and minutes

These are the minutes and agenda of the finance and properties committee meeting in January 2016. Items discussed were check register, budget review, building status, meeting dates

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - January 2017 - agenda and minutes

These are the minutes and agenda of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in January 2017. Items discussed and reviewed were check registers, budget review, RFID update, labor contract in close session, AFSCME, bookmobiles sale

Finance and Properties committee meeting - January 2018 - agenda and minutes

These are the minutes and agenda of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in January 2018. Items discussed and reviewed were check register, 2017 budget review, 2018 meeting schedule

Finance and Properties Committee Meeting - January 2020 - agenda, minutes, packet

These are the minutes, agenda, and packet of the Finance and Properties committee meeting in January 2020. Items discussed and acted upon were capital needs, space plan, check register, 2019 budget report, 2020 budget report, internship social…