Browse Items (8594 total)
Board of Directors Meeting August 21, 1986
Tags: 1986, Agenda, August 1986, board of directors, Board of Trustees, circ stats, City Council, credit bureau, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, evaluation committee, Expenditures, finance and properties committee, library fines, library grant coordinator, Meeting, meeting room policy, Minutes, OCLC terminal book mobile, patron cards, Per Capita Grant, Personnel and public relations committee, personnel changes, Policy Code, records inventory, Tax Levy
Board of Directors Library Payroll and expenditures December 30, 1986
Board of Directors Meeting January 1986
Tags: 1986, Adult Readers Literacy Grant, Agenda, Avenues to Excellence, board of directors, Board of Trustees, circ stats, computer update, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Ellen Spycher, Expenditures, finance and properties committee, January 1986, library policy, Martin Luther King Holiday, Meeting, Minutes, Pay Plan, personnel and public relation committee, Project Read Resolution, Robert Dumas, search committee
Annual and monthly meeting of the Board of Directors June 1986
Tags: 1986, Agenda, Annual Meeting, Annual report of the Board of the Library Trustees, Annual Report to the Illinois State Library, board of directors, Board of Trustees, Catherine Ritchie, circ stats, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, finance and properties committee, Illinois Local Records Act, James Seidl, June 1986, Meeting, Minutes, Personnel and public relations committee, Policy Code, prevailing wage rate, search committee, telephone system
Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors April 1986
Tags: 1986, Agenda, April 1986, board of directors, Board of Trustees, bookmobile, CD's, circ stats, CLSI, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, finance and properties committee, Home Reading Department, IBM-AT computer, in-house survey, James Seidl, maintenance and repairs, Meeting, Minutes, monthly meeting, Personnel and public relations committee, press coverage, Project Read, search committee, telephone system
Combined Annual and Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors May 1986
Tags: 1986, Agenda, Annual Meeting, Annual report of the Board of the Library Trustees, Annual Report of the City Librarian, Annual Report to the Illinois State Library, board of directors, Board of Trustees, circ stats, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Expenditures, Finance and Properties Report, Friends Book Sale, James Seidl, library tours, May 1986, Meeting, Minutes, nominating committee, Personnel and public relations committee, Policy Code, search committee, Sick Leave
Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors November 1986
Tags: 1986, Agenda, avenues of excellence, Board Members, board of directors, Board of Trustees, cataloging department, circ stats, city survey, Code revision, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Donations, endowment, evaluation committee, Expenditures, finance and properties committee, James Seidl, Library Code, Meeting, meeting room policy, Minutes, November 1986, OCLC, personnel and public relation committee, Policy Code, PR, RPLS, staff training, vacation time
Monthly meeting of the Board of Directors October 1986.
Tags: 1986, ad hoc committee, Agenda, board of directors, Board of Trustees, book mobile, circ stats, city survey, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, evaluation committee goals, Expenditures, finance and properties committee, Friends of the Library, grant, insurance, James Seidl, maintenance and repairs, Meeting, Minutes, OCLC, Personnel and public relations committee, RPLS, semi-annual book sale, signage, U of I