Browse Items (22 total)
- Tags: 1984
League of Women Votes - Projects - Voters Unlimited - 1984 - 1985
Tags: 1984, Centurion Club, Coalition meeting, correspondence, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, League of Women Voters, Macon County Congressional primary results, Meet the Candidates sheet, newspaper articles, Program for election day, projects, Public Service announcements, Rick Meyer, Voters unlimited unstructured by-laws, Votes Unlimited, Women's Vote Project
League of Women Voters - Projects - Marital Rights - Part 5 - 1984
Mrs. Frank M. Ware
Tags: "speedys" letters, 1984, A.G. Webber, Absolum Newland, accounting department, August 1984, automobile tires, bank failure, Betty Turnell, bookkeeping machine, brother's surgery, Brown's Business College, cactus, cafeteria, carbon paper, Caterpillar Co., Caterpillar Military Engine Co., changes to Decatur, Chautauqua, choir, cottonwood tree, crystal radio sets, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Decatur Lumber Co., doctor's office, Dr. N.D. Meyers, Dr. William Barnes, Dune School, education, electronics courses, Fairview Park, Faries Manufacturing Co., First Lutheran Church, Flood, Florida, Forest Grove School, Frank Ware, general labor, George W. Keller, Great Depression, greenhouse, grocery store, hauling coal, Helen Harder, Hilltop Greenhouse, interview, Jackson St. School, Jasper County IL, Johns Hill, lap rugs, Leader Iron Works, Lincoln Coop Apartments, Lincoln Flower Shop, Log Cabin, Louisa Newland, Madam Corolla Lous Tuca, McKinley assassination, mortgage, Mound School, Mr. Barber, Mrs. Frank M. Ware, neighborhood picnic, Nelson Park, new pews, oral history, Payroll, perpetual inventory, Postal Service, pottery, purchasing department, radio diagrams, raising plants, ready-made radios, receptionist, recording, retirement, sales department, short-hand, Signal Depot, singing, small business, Snake Hill, St. Mary's Hospital, Staley Company, Streetcars, succulents, T.T. Springer, toolmaker, Transfer House, truck barn, voice lessons, Warren St. School, Weber Fill, William Shorb, World War I, World War II, WWI, WWII
Oma Gardner's Oral History
Tags: 1984, American Nurses Association, Betty Turnell, Bolton Act, Cadet Nurse Corps, changes to hospitals, changes to nursing, Decatur and Macon County Hospital, Decatur and Macon County Hospital School of Nursing, Decatur Memorial Hospital, duties of nurses, Ethyl Goss, Florence Nightingale, history of Nursing, Industrial Nurse, interview, James Millikin University, L.P.N., Licensed Practical Nurse, Licensing Act for Nurses, May 1984, Michael Reese Hospital School for Nurses, Miss, Miss Helen Cleland, Miss Nona Ellis, National League of Nursing Education, Nurses Association of Alumnae of the United States and Canada, nursing, nursing in Decatur, Oma Gardner, oral history, pediatric nursing, penicillin, polio vaccine, premie nursery, R.N., recording, Red Cross, Sarah Morris Hospital, School of Nursing, Society of Superintendent of Training Schools, Superintendent of Nurses, U.S. Public Health Service, William Johns Nurses Residence, World War II, WWII
Richard Rodgers' Oral History #1
Tags: 1984, air conditioning, automobiles, Baseball, Betty Turnell, Bijoux Theatre, Blue Book, board room, childhood, chimes, Clothing, Coal Mines, cook's stove, Decatur Civic Orchestra, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Downtown, electricity, Empress Theatre, family orchestra, February 1984, Federal Home Loan Act, Feltman and Curm, FHA, First Methodist Church broadcast, Great Depression, Gushard Building, Gushard store, homogenization, Interurban, interview, John Philip Sousa's band, Lincoln Square, Lincoln Theatre, Linn and Scruggs, marimba, Millikin Orchestra, Millikin University, Music, Musician, Newspapers, oboe, oral history, out houses., pasteurization, public transportation, Pugh School, Radio, recording, refrigeration, Richard Rodgers, Roosevelt Junior High School, salt water taffy, shoe repair, Shoe Store, Shoes, shopping, Stephen Decatur High School, Street Cars, Swarthout Brothers, telephones, The Anvil Chorus, Transfer House, triangle, unpaved streets, vaudeville theatre, vitaphone programs, WJBL station, World War I, WWI, xylophone
James E. Henson's Oral History
Tags: 1984, automobile, Bar Association, bar exam, Betty Turnell, Bloomington IL, childhood, circuit judge, Clara May Morthland Henson, County bridge, County building, county judge, Decatur Daily Review, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, Departmental School, divorce law, Donald W. Morthland, early Decatur, Emanual Rosenberg, Eva Josephine Young, Fairview Shopping Center, family law, family life, Faries Park, Henson Morthland and Bolin, Henson Morthland and Henson, Illinois Wesleyan University, Interurban, interview, Jackson Street School, James Atlas Henson, James E. Henson, James Millikin University, January 1984, Lake Decatur, law practice, Lost Bridge, Macon County Court, Macon County Jail, Macon County Sheriff, Maffitt Street Bridge, Martin E. Morthland, Masonic Temple, oral history, Ray's Bridge, recording, Richard F. Morthland, Riverside School, Sangamon River, Staley Office Building
Dorothy Austin's Oral History
Tags: 1984, Austin family history, Benjamin Austin, Betty Turnell, Blue Mound IL, Bookkeeper, cashier, childhood, Decatur IL, Dennis School, Dorothy Austin, Eleanor Warnick, family history, February 1984, first automobile, former students, George Muirhead, Hieronymous Mueller, interview, J.C. Penney Store, Longview Housing Project, Mary W. French School, Millikin University, Mr. J.C. Penney, Mr. Ullrich, Mrs. Ewing, Oakland School, oral history, Principal, recording, retirement, Roosevelt Junior High School, Stephen Decatur High School, Teacher, teaching, Ullrich School, University of Illinois, William Austin
R. Lee Slider's Oral History
Tags: "para-archaeologist", 1984, archaeological surveys, archaeology, Betty Turnell, Bob Hall, Bruce McMillan, Buses, C.G. Holland, Civil War Roundtable, community transportation, construction business, County Board of Supervisors, cultural interpreter, Decatur High School, Decatur IL, environmentalism, Florence White, Fort Daniel Regional Park, Friends Creek Regional Park, G.I. Bill, Great Depression, Griswold Conservation area, Illinois State Museum, impersonation, interpretive naturalist, interview, January 1984, Korean War, letter for gasoline, Longbons Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Macon County Conservation District, Macon County Historical Society, Melody Arnold, Millikin University, Navy, Norman Greenberg, Oakley Reservoir, oral history, pre-historic Indian sites, R. Lee Slider, recording, Rock Springs, Rock Springs Center for Environmental Discovery, Rommel's African Corps, ROTC, Sand Creek Reservation, Smithsonian Institute, The Illinois Conservation Act, Trobaugh log house, vice-president, war trophies, World War II
James Siburt's Oral History
Tags: 1984, Betty Turnell, board room, Champaign High School, Champaign IL, childhood, construction job, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, family life, farm, freight, Great Depression, Interurban, interview, James Siburt, January 1984, Mahomet IL, one-room schoolhouse, oral history, Railway Express, recording, streetcar, terminal railroad, WPA