Browse Items (8594 total)
League of Women Voters - Projects - Local Healthcare - 1982
League of Women Voters - Projects - Local Healthcare - 1983
League of Women Voters - Projects - Local Healthcare Study - 1981 to 1983
Tags: 1981 to 1983, League of Women Voters, Local Healthcare Study, Macon County Association for Developmentally Disabled Brochure, MCADD Equipment Loan Bank, MCADD Reaching People Through Advocacy Education and Other Activities, projects, Proposed Revisions in PL 94-142, The Decatur Voter April 1983
League of Women Votes - Projects - Local Healthcare Study - 1982
League of Women Voters - Projects - Local Healthcare Study - 1982 to 1983
League of Women Voters - Projects - Library Study - 1967
Tags: 1967, 96th Annual Decatur Public Library Report, Aims and Goals, Budget staff and circulation comparisons, Building survey, Circulation control and related applications at Decatur public library, Code of accounts, Comparative 5 year study, correspondence, League of Women Voters, Library resources committee report, Library study, Measurement of work report, newspaper articles, Physical plant system, Possible alternative lines of action, Press release for need of a new library, projects, Rating of the present building, Report of league's study group on operations and needs, Statement of receipts - disbursements and balance, Suggestions for new building, Tax rate chart, Who's Who in the library
League of Women Voters - Projects - Legislative Interviews - 1983
League of Women Voters - Projects - Junior College - Part 2 - 1971
Tags: 1971, Definition, Employers personnel training needs, Financing the college, Junior College Part 2, League of Women Voters, Needs of business institutions and manufacturing and industry, Needs of local student, Non-statistical evaluation, Projections of enrollment for a junior college, projects, Proposed districts, Specific needs of employees and vocational training, Summary of prior history of proposals
League of Women Voters - Projects - Junior College - Part 1 - 1971
Tags: 1971, Candidates meeting for junior college, committee, junior college, League of Women Voters, Local picture, newspaper articles, Notes, Points of concern, projects, Proposal, Questions and answers on Maconland junior college, Report of citizens supporting junior college, Statewide picture, Would Decatur community benefit from a junior college?
League of Women Voters - Projects - Judicial Reform - 1955
Tags: 1953 proposal, 1955, 1955 proposal, appellate court, Arguments for and against the judicial amendment, blue ballot, brochures, Changes needed, Circuit courts, Civic and political support, Committee for modern courts, Committee for modern courts news letter, Consolidation of trial courts in each circuit, Continuing need for judicial reform in Illinois, Court reform, Downstate point of view, Efforts to secure reform, Election of judges in 1955, Fact book for the blue ballot judicial amendment, Government of Illinois judicial branch, Illinois courts of 1955, Judicial department, Judicial questionnaire, judicial reform, League of Women Voters, Legislative documents dealing with the proposed constitutional amendments, Need for an amendment, New Jersey experience, newspaper articles, Opportunities for better judicial administration in Illinois under the new judicial article amendment when ratified, Other provisions, Outline of the amendment, projects, Proposed amendment to the judicial article, Proposed Judicial Article, Publicity committee report, Questions and answers about the proposed judicial amendment, Referendum of method of selection of judges, Rule making and administration, Sample ballot, schedule, Selection and Tenure General, Selection and tenure of judges, Selection of Judges, Specimen ballot, State's Attorneys, Support of bills to obtain nonpartisan selection of judges, Supreme and appellate courts, Supreme Court, Time for Action Correspondence, What experts say