Browse Items (27 total)
- Tags: 1966
League of Women Voters - Programs - Candidate Meeting - 1947, 1958, 1966, 1970, and 1971
Tags: 1947, 1958, 1966, 1970, 1971, Candidate Meeting, Candidates Meeting for Primary Election, Compare the Candidates, correspondence, Decatur IL, Decatur Public Library, Information about Candidates, League of Women Voters, Meet the City Candidates, Meet the Constitutional Convention Candidates, Programs, Questionnaire Congressional Candidates, Questionnaire General Assembly Candidates, Quiz the School Board Candidates, Reply of Senate Candidates to Questions, Rick Meyer
Board of Trustees - Decatur Public Library - Bylaws - December 1966
League of Women Voters - Projects - Key Precinct Reporters - November General Election - 1966
Tags: 1966, ABC election project, Brief and coordinate reporters, Correspondence from ABC news, Election day coordination, Election day report, Election forms, Election night report, Gathering precinct information, Key precinct project guidelines, Key Precinct Reporters, League of Women Voters, Making assignments, Name tags, November General Election, Party challenger's credential, Post election assessment, Post election report, Pre-election report, Precinct survey information, projects, Responsibilities for reporters
League of Women Voters - Projects - Decatur Public Schools - 1962 to 1967
Tags: 1962 to 1967, 1966, 1967, adult education, Analysis of the Working Cash Fund 1967, Assessed Valuation and 1967 Tax Rates, Baker Woods Junior High, Board of Education LWV Proposed State Program, Conclusions of Report, Decatur Lakeview Plan, Decatur Public School Bulletin 1966, Decatur Public Schools, Decatur School Budget Summary, Decatur Township Assessment Digest, District #61 Recommendations to the Board of Education 1968, Eldorado School, Facts About Decatur Schools, General Elementary School, Glossary, Junior High Enrollment Picture, League of Women Voters, Local Taxes, LWV School Committee Report, LWV Statement 1965, Map of District #61, Mound East, Mound West, NCSPS Newsletter, Necessity of a Referendum for School Expansion, Oak Grove #2, President Elise Hurst Report, projects, Pupils, Redistricting, Referendum Issues, Referendum Literature, School Auditoriums, School Board Candidates Questionnaire, school finance, School Plant and Facilities, Secondary School, Senior High Space Needs, South Shores #2, space needs, staff needs, State Aid, Study of the Operation of School District #61, The District Teaching Staff, The School Program, The School System, Tomorrow's Future Goes to School Today Brochure, WDZ Radio Community Conversations
Photographs of Franklin School
Tags: 1966, 1979, building, Decatur IL., Decatur Public Schools, Franklin School, Schools